To safety

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*Aarons POV*

I held her, not wanting to release her, she was shaking, she was screaming and she was crying, my words began to work.

Gently I placed her onto the ground, she crumbled and continued to sob, the weird alien that had protected us nudged her and made some noises, she gently began to stroke the weird alien.

Shaking my head I began to look around forcing my eyes away from her, the alien that had come in here lay down on the floor dead, its head was just a bloody mess, I tried not to vomit. The next thing I noticed were the rows of alien food, each item was not wrapped in plastic or metal but safely placed into capsules which showed an image of the food. The room was so clean and sterile except for the stuff we had knocked over, the crates with non capsule covered foods sat were we had been, there were in a mess and the floor was wet with our sweat.

We need to get out of here, but I have to wait for Tria to calm her cries, so I nudged her and leant over her, "hey, we have to move to a different area soon, can you walk?" I asked Tria, she peeked up at me her tired eyes glimmering with tears "I guess so, I'm sorry, for being like this, and I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry" she started every breath getting heavier, I nudged her again, she calmed down, "it's alright, you didn't mean to ok, just don't think about it" I murmured softly.

Her bloodied light brown hair fell across her face as she slowly stood up, the weird alien nudging her up, its whines echoing in the room. The sounds of fighting had faded as if one side was pushing the other back, quietly I crept forward and looked outside, bodies littered the ground and various places were blackened, I faced forward ignoring the carnage, Tria trailed behind me, were had I found this confidence, when had I become so uncaring?

We headed back to the house cave we had been living in, walking along, ignoring the dead, eyes straight ahead, Tria grabbed my shirt and she stumbled, I kept moving and she kept following, I am determined to get her back to who she has been. The cave home came into view and we stepped into the open door, the place looked trashed.

I walked into the cage and curled up on the cot, it was a reminder that we had it all, something looking out for us, food and water whenever we needed it and a warm home, but the cold air that blew in tried to break my resolve, at least that was what my mind was convincing me.

Tria sighed, she began walking around, the sound of her bare feet on the ground was gentle and quiet it lulled me into a fitful sleep.

The screeching sound woke me up, a white creature with grey and pink blotches stood in the doorway with the weird aliens mouth clamped on its leg, Tria was silently watching, her blue eyes had hardened and she didn't seem to have any sympathy for the screeching creature, its flat face had a weird goldfish mouth which was now opened wide with its screams, I rushed to my feet and ran, I stopped at the door looking back at Tria who was watching me, I screamed at her to follow and she did, she began walking, she turned it into a jog than ran, I turned around and continued bolting.

Its disappointing but I wasn't thinking of Tria, I wasn't wondering if she was behind me. As we ran we passed groups of the attacking aliens, they made noises and and threw stuff at us, rocks, and various other things, I had to keep reminding myself, I am basically a dog, running, running from everything, at least in their eyes.

Panting sounded from behind me, I looked back to see the weird alien with a gash running along its back, I almost felt bad for it, Tria shouted and pointed, I looked forward and saw a spaceship, it was white with grey stripes and had a almost cargo plane look to it, it was by the town we ran for the vehicle ignored the pain of a slip, we just kept moving, I heard the roaring of one of the giant grab legged aliens as it fell to the ground its agonised cries cut off, I shook my head I couldn't stop now, I had to be selfish.

The space craft got closer and closer we were gasping in air, I have no idea whether that thing was going to help us, but it was something we could rely on, I can feel it, we can escape, we can.

We reached the ship exhausted and tired the sounds of the enemy aliens followed close behind us, a few aliens stood at the ship, a door opened and various pet species stood in cages, we were helped inside by a almost humanoid alien, it was tall green and grey with soft human looking eyes, it helped us into the cages, gently it picked up the massive weird alien with complete ease, "wait, we need him, please" whimpered Tria, the alien looked at us and I saw it had a translator thing in its ear, "the tamooch can not go with you, it needs medical attention" explained the alien as it carried the 'tamooch' into a separate cage.

"Are you two uninjured?" Asked the alien, I nodded, ignoring my cramped up legs, it looked confused "uh yea, we didn't get hurt" I replied seeing it didn't understand my nod, "what happened?" I asked, almost to scared to ask, it looked at me and made some noises and said something in its language, "I guess you deserve an answer, the alien race guilorans were supposed to be a pet species but they were so opposed that they attacked and fled, they now are traveling to other peaceful homes trying to destroy everything" explained the alien before leaving us

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