The park

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*Tria's POV*

I sat on the cot my bowl of fruit sitting on my legs, I was watching our new alien 'master' attempt to teach and soothe Aaron who was noticeably annoyed by the efforts, the other aliens had left yesterday after spending a long and confusing amount of time chattering and giving Aaron and I pats.

Aaron was resisting the command for come, which was making the alien rather impatient, I finished off the final piece of fruit and approached the two, the alien didn't pay much mind to me, I don't know why but I felt calm and confident when it came to this alien, it wasn't harsh, it liked obedience but it seemed to be quite affectionate, Aaron pouted at me, I could understand why he was behaving this way, and I was getting quite fond of his angry companionship, "well go on" I said teasing him, he sighed, "if it'll make it shut up, then fine" sighed Aaron, approaching the alien wearily, the alien made its round of happy noises before placing a harness onto Aaron with surprising speed, Aaron resisted as the alien was clicking together rather confusing looking connections, it attached a lead and then called me over, despite my growing confidence this weird change of actions had me wearily obeying the aliens request, I stood as it placed the harness on me securely.

The alien pulled us along to the door, the door opened by itself, Aaron and I both jumped in surprised at the movement of the door, before wearily following it out, the outside was green there didn't seem to be any nearby trees, but a coating of bushes covered the ground except for a rather straight path and the area were the space ship had landed, it led us along the carved out path, the only thing breaking up the bushy ground cover were large boulders or more cave homes, I looked towards the side of the planet that was dark and dead, it was covered in dark dead bushes and even the short grass that grew along the path didn't grow on the dead side, I so wished I had the language skills to ask what had caused the mass death of the vegetation. Various small weird looking creatures skittered away and even a massive crab legged creature slowly walked across the path, its massive grey body and shell like skin glittered as it elegantly stopped along the bushes it long legs avoiding crushing the vegetation it was strangely beautiful, once the beast passed, the alien continued pulling us along, I did my best to follow, while Aaron was pulling and struggling against the alien, I knew he probably thought I was a coward for doing whatever I was told, but sometimes you need to think ahead.

The alien ignored Aarons attempts, continuing to lead us along till we got to a canyon like place, with all cliffs having cave houses, and the centre being covered in the green grass, the grass was different to earth grass it was short but had bluish tips, the centre of the town? Had a weirdly designed gate/fence which was made out of strange unearthly metals, it led us into the fenced area and clicked a few buttons on the other side before walking away towards some of the ground level cave houses, which might be shops, due to the design of the place, I watched as Aaron attempted to climb the fence before reaching the top and hitting an invisible barrier, he shouted angrily before jumping down, I looked at the others in here with us, a small blue scaley alien played with a small ball, while a hairy pony sized 6 legged alien sat and watched us its tongue hanging out like a dogs, another human sat, grouchily dragging her finger through the grass while another girl stood over her looking outside of the fence, I approached them, "uhh hi" I stuttered they looked over at me in surpise "un humain!" The standing one exclaimed in a French accent, "anglophones!" Stated the second I looked at Aaron in confusion, "we don't speak French" explained Aaron slowly, I nodded in agreement, "Anglais?" Said the standing up one, "uhhh I'm Tria" I said pointing to myself, Aaron saying his name and doing the same "Rose et Sarah" said the standing up one, the girl who was sitting down sighed, "I do not know much English" she explained I smiled as I understood her, she gave me a smile in return "Sarah l'alien!" Exclaimed the one standing up, we all looked as one of the green aliens entered attaching leads to the two girls and leading them out, they shouted and resisted, the alien did not pay them any attention and started taking them towards one of the cave houses/shops, Aaron huffed angrily, I sighed, just when we had gotten to meet other humans they were ripped from us, even if we did speak a different language.

More alien pets came into the fenced in area, Aaron steered clear of them and I stuck by Aaron, one of the creatures followed us around, the 6 legged dog like alien growled and it backed off, I was growing quite fond of that immovable creature, Aaron though was scared even more by the noise, soon our alien came and took us out towards one cave, we entered and it was a bath place, it had water running along a stream like  design that went around the entire place, another alien grabbed me and tried stripping me down, I shrieked and resisted but I wasn't strong enough, soon I stood naked trying to cover myself up and watching as another alien assisted our one with stripping Aaron, the alien that had me dunked me into the water and began to bathe me rubbing soapy stuff through me hair and other stuff along my body, I was blushing and embarrassed but couldn't fight off the alien, Aaron entered the stream with a splash as one alien held him in place  and our alien began to scrub him clean. Luckily it was quicker cleaning me so the alien removed me from the water after it had washed off all the strange soap, hey at least I smell nice, the alien blow dried me with a strange device and dressed me in new clothing that fit snugly and was nice and warm, but I was still flustered so as the alien tied me up away from the water I slunk and curled into a ball, Aaron had stopped carrying on and the sound of the blow dryer loudly interrupted my thoughts, Aaron was grumbling as they dressed him, my alien collected me and left the cave, my face red and Aaron and I not able to look at each other, until I started laughing, "what's so funny!" Growled Aaron who was no longer resisting being pulled back home by our alien 'master' "the fact that we don't have to worry about washing ourselves" I stated, he looked at me baffled, "that's it? Seriously! We just got assaulted in there!" He exclaimed I looked at him, "I wouldn't say that, its just trying to care for us" I quietly replied, he frowned, "that may be so, but we are human! We don't need no animal looking alien to choose how we should live" bit back Aaron, his attitude was beginning to annoy me, "we are animals, and worst of all we have no say in this matter, so don't you dare! Act like your superiority complex is called for! At least I'm trying to adapt! You just mope around all freaking day" I shouted, the alien looked at me as it stood outside of our cave house, it led us in and removed our harnesses, I headed away from Aaron and sat on the couch as he crept back into the cage like a wounded dog and for some reason I didn't feel guilty for losing my temper.

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