One step forward

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Aarons P.O.V

I freaked out as Tria collapsed beside me, I glanced at my bowl fearfully, realising I had almost eaten everything and I had drunk down all my water, I squeezed my eyes shut preparing to feel my chest stop moving.

A couple of seconds passed and I didn't feel much different, my heart was still hammering against my chest and I wasn't in pain, then I opened my eyes and glanced at Tria, and I saw it, the gentle movement of her chest as she breathed, she hadn't dropped dead like I had feared, and then I began to notice the desperate chatter of the aliens, had I been so distracted about myself dying that I somehow didn't hear their louder chattering, I watched one of the taller aliens pull a strange cylindrical device towards its ear, chattering quickly, the smaller one began to poke Tria, and talking, was it trying to communicate with her?

The last alien watched and turned to me, it approached much to my horror, I slowly retreated away, it stopped it's advance and its beady eyes looked almost sad, but that was not going to sway my resolve to stay a certain distance away from the aliens, the alien that was chattering into the cylindrical thing which must have been like an alien phone, it placed the strange phone onto a jelly looking counter top, and it moved towards Tria, I wanted to protect her, but my body wouldn't go to her.

The alien lifted her up and placed her into the strange cage cot thing, putting a man-made blanket on her, it spoke to the other aliens who responded and left the room, into other parts of the house, the final alien took two strides towards me and quickly picked me up before I could run, I struggled and whined and shouted, nothing worked, he placed me into the cot cage and gave me a blanket, I was confused, it locked the cage and walked away, I sat and stared, at the jelly walls, before investigating the surprisingly big area, the cage didn't have the green hue of the one at the pet shop, it seemed almost normal if it wasn't for the strange gelatinous lock, finally I had the time to really take in my surrounding's, without watching my back the whole time, the cot was bigger than I had previously thought, it hung a few inches off of the bottom of the cage, the cage itself was big enough of an area for me to stand in and walk back and forth, but I didn't plan on doing that, the cot had enough room for Tria and I to lie beside each other without constantly having elbows bumping.

Then I noticed the stench, I looked at myself and Tria, the clothes we wore were filthy from sweat and dirt. Both of our clothes were ripped, torn and holey, and there wasn't anywhere in the cage to bathe or find new clothes, soon enough these clothes were going to just crumble off of us, but the aliens probably wouldn't understand our need for covering ourselves up, because they didn't wear clothes, they didn't even appear to have privates, but then how do they reproduce? No I won't think about it, the shiver up my spine was enough to make me regret my inner question, but then a new question presented itself, scarier than the last, what even happened to make our clothes this bad!? What happened while we were being captured! I began to shake more now, "what's happened to our families..." I sobbed falling into the cot and wrapping myself tightly into the blanket pressing myself into Tria's side as I sobbed muttering about how unfair this is.

I froze as a robotic voice filled the room, one of the aliens had walked in and set up a larger cylindrical device which emitted noises until it spoke in the English language, the alien glanced at me,

"This is a preset broadcast to assist new pets with their lives, the language chosen is, from the planet titled by the destructive species who call themselves humans as earth, and the selected human language is called English, so to new human pets, you have little need to fear as you are on the planet Scrial, a peaceful planet with the main species, the Screwna's, a family centered species. You will receive sleeping quarters, food and water as a general necessity and if you do not have these Necessity's, the pet protection law has been broken. As your species See's it as important to wear 'clothes' you will be provided with a change of these in due time, as well as go to a bathing clinic in the local area to clean you and your companion of dirt, sweat and bacteria, as your species is extremely susceptible to sickness, this is all that you are required to know in the basic knowledge category. If further knowledge is needed the family of scewna's will preset the further knowledge broadcast for you and your companion"

I stared at the device in shock, I almost began laughing in hysteria, "well that's my answer" I laughed my voice shaking and than the world went black as I giggled myself to unconsciousness.

earths cleansing and the beginning of human petsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang