Out Of The Shadows

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Buried deep within the frequencies that S.H.I.E.L.D. used to communicate with its personnel was a band that was rarely ever used. This method of communication had a singular purpose: to send priority messages to HYDRA operatives hidden within S.H.I.E.L.D. Every member of HYDRA knew to watch and listen to it so that they were ready to serve, to carry out the orders that would further HYDRA's agenda.

Now, today, for the first time since that frequency had been established, a particular, singular, brief message was broadcast. Those who sent it knew that there was a chance that it could be intercepted, that it could be decrypted. But really, what could they do? All who would hear it would know their orders.




"Who the hell's shooting at us? And why?" Hartley cursed as she ducked behind an upturned table.

From across the room where she was sheltered by a convenient bulkhead, Bobbi Morse fired off a couple of shots before replying.

"Looks like S.H.I.E.L.D. agents," she called. "As to why ..."

Firing off three shots in quick succession, Bobbi raced out of cover, pulling one of her batons as she did so. The Agent – and, judging by his uniform, he was an Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. – saw her coming as he checked back in through the doorway to return fire. His eyes widened slightly as he saw her coming and he attempted to raise his gun.

Bobbi's baton took care of that problem, coming down hard on the Agent's arm, eliciting a heavy grunt from him as his gun dropped to the floor with a clatter. Bobbi's other hand whipped out, her gun slamming into the side of his head, staggering him further.

A grasp of his shirt and a sharp yank pulled him inside. Seeing Hartley rise, her knife ready in her hand, Bobbi kicked the door shut and bolted it.

A strangled cry tore through the room as the Agent clutched at his shoulder before dropping to knees.

"You didn't kill him, did you?" Bobbi asked.

"Nah, just a flesh wound," Hartley replied, walking out to stand behind the Agent.

The man looked up, his head swivelling between the women , pain evident in his eyes.

"What's going on?" Bobbi demanded. "Why were you trying to kill us?"

"And who else is involved?" Hartley added.

It was obviously true that this wasn't an isolated incident – the sound of gunfire, yells, explosions and screams reverberating all throughout the Iliad was testament to that.

When the Agent simply straightened and stared back at them defiantly, Hartley stepped forward.

"Look, we don't have time for your games," she snarled. "Answer the questions!"

When the Agent still didn't reply, Hartley shared a glance with Bobbi before grasping the handle of her knife in his shoulder, twisting it violently and tearing it out of him.

That was enough to get him to talk.

"Hail HYDRA!" he panted before his jaw worked as he deliberately clamped down on something in his mouth.

A white foam bubbled up from his mouth and the Agent's eyes rolled in his head. With a heavy thump, he fell on to his side and spasmed once before going completely still.

Bobbi and Hartley looked from the Agent to each other.

"Damn!" Hartley said for the two of them.

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