Welcome To The Colonies

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Harry was practically bouncing on the balls of his feet. Unfortunately, even with the assistance of magic, he'd nearly arrived late thus leaving him at the very back of the crowd. No one, at least no one outside of a changed Bruce or Jennifer, could see past this crowd of people. Frustratingly, there wasn't anything that he could do about it – using magic in this situation would surely get him in a whole mess of trouble.

The crowd, he knew from experience, wouldn't last long once the passengers began appearing – they'd all be extremely eager to make their way to baggage claim, taking their friends, relatives, whoever it was that was here to meet them with them. The problem was that Teddy was likely to be one of the first ones off the plane – another thing that he'd learnt on his gallivanting around the world was that the flight attendants liked to have the children in their care that were travelling alone off the plane first.

As Harry began sidling around the edge of the crowd, headed for the wall closest to the tunne,l his frustration mounted. This, he knew, wouldn't be a problem for Mage. He, with his distinctive cloak, would part the crowd with ease. That, of course, would completely defeat the purpose of his anonymity, though.

With a host of 'excuse mes', 'sorrys' and 'pardon mes', not to mention the scowls that he received in return, Harry manoeuvred his way between the edge of the crowd and the wall to end up right beside the tunnel.

Unfortunately, though, he was just a little too late. Walking away from the tunnel was a flight attendant and a fifteen year old boy, a pack on his back, his brown head of hair darting from side to side.

"Teddy!" Harry called.

Instantly, the boy in question spun around, his eyes searching. A great smile blossomed on his face as he saw Harry and he began running.

Harry opened his arms for the boy, catching him in a great hug.

"You're late, Uncle Harry," Teddy admonished.

"Sorry about that," Harry replied. "But it was only just."

"I take it that you're Harry Potter?" the flight attendant who'd followed Teddy asked, a small smile on her own face.

"Yep, that's me; Harry Potter, the godfather of Teddy Lupin," he replied. "Thank you for taking such good care of him."

"It was our pleasure," she replied. "Ted wasn't a problem in the slightest."

"Ted, huh?" Harry asked his godson, one eyebrow raised.

"Yeah, well, I'm fifteen now," he shrugged. "And 'Teddy' makes me sound like a little kid."

"I'll do my best to remember that," Harry assured him. "But no promises. Come on, let's get out of here."

Getting back out past the crowd was so much easier than getting through it the first time and within a few minutes, they were headed towards the escalators and the lower level.

"Are we going straight to the Marauder's Den or are you taking me to Avengers Tower first?" an eager Ted asked.

"The Den. But we've got one stop to make first," Harry replied.

Ted's inquisitive look had Harry leaning in and elaborating.

"We need to have a quick stop at the International Portkey Terminal; I'm meeting somone coming to the State there," he explained.

Ted stopped dead, staring incredulously at his godfather.

"What? You made me take the plane when I could have ...?" he asked, thankfully leaving the end of that question unasked with all of the muggles around.

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