Is She Worthy?

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One, two, three, fourfivesix, seven, eight ... and herself made nine.

Molly Weasley nodded at the number before beginning to hustle the group to the side, away from the Portkey Pad. There might only be the one child in the group – and him not even one of her brood – but that didn't stop her from mothering them all.

Even Arthur needed looking after and George, despite Angelina's presence, she knew exactly what he could be like in a new situation – like a niffler in a jewellery shop. Andromeda was the only one that she didn't need to keep an eye on and that was because the other woman was older than even Molly was.

"I'm thinking that I should fire call Mum," Hannah said. "Just a quick call, to make sure the kids are alright."

"They've stayed at your parent's place plenty of times," her husband, Neville said, putting an arm around her waist. "Besides, we've only saw them half an hour ago. They're fine."

"This way, troops!" Arthur called. "We need to declare ourselves."

Molly deliberately put herself at the end of the line, just behind Ron. Craning her head past the others, she watched as Arthur handed over the piece of rope to the official and began getting them through customs.


"Arthur Weasley."

"Purpose of visit to America?"

"Visiting a friend and to see the sights."

"Tourist, then. Length of stay?"

"A week, can't take any more time off work than that, unfortunately."

"Very good. If you'll place the tip of your wand in this box for just a second and cast a lumos ... very good, Sir, we now have your magical signature on file. This booklet details where you can find magical enclaves within America and the magical laws of the land. Enjoy your stay. Next!"

Arthur moved off to the side and the line shuffled forward. In a surprisingly short amount of time, all nine of them had gone through customs and were gathered near the exit.

"Where to now? How do we get out of this place?" Molly asked. "It's a shame that Harry's place doesn't have a FLOO like the Cauldron does."

"Come on, I'll show you," young Teddy announced. "I've been in New York a couple of times now."

Molly opened her mouth to protest, really, the idea of a group of adults taking direction from a child, but felt a hand touch her arm.

"I know how you feel but it's best to follow his lead," Andromeda said quietly. "He knows this city better than any of us ever could."

She watched as Teddy confidently strode through the magical archway, disappearing before their eyes. After she, too, had stepped through, Molly found that they were in a muggle aeroplane place, at least, that's what she thought it was, considering the giant metal constructs that she could see the through the great glass wall. Arthur, predictably, was pressed up against said glass, his eyes unblinking at the sight.

"Come on, Dad, we can come back another time and just watch them, if you like," George said, gently steering him away.

The place was absolutely packed with muggles, easily a thousand times worse than Kings Cross Station on September the first and it took all of Molly's concentration to ensure that none of their group was accidentally separated. So intent was she on her self-assigned task that the bright sunlight hitting her face caught her completely off-guard and she blinked rapidly and raised a hand to block it out.

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