We Lost Our Wizards

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Surprisingly, Harry had only been waiting in the small lounge area set outside the Office of the Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizardry in the Woolworth Building of New York City for five minutes before he was ushered inside. The fact that he'd arrived slightly early and consequently, was inside the office early, didn't make sense to Harry; bureaucracies – and especially magical ones – were never on time and especially never early.

Having been summoned to the ICW, Harry expected that he was to be questioned about his role in the Battle at the Triskelion and the downfall of S.H.I.E.L.D., just as he had been at the US government hearing. Instead, he found only four wizards seated in comfortable-looking chairs around a coffee table. At his entrance, the four rose and turned to face him.

"Mister Potter, thank you for coming," the wizard wearing the most expensive-looking robes said, holding out his hand.

The man's coffee-coloured skin and snow-white hair, not to mention the many laugh lines on his face was one that Harry'd seen many times before in every wizarding newspaper that he'd read over the past few years.

"Supreme Mugwump Jakande. It's an honour, Sir," Harry replied, shaking the offered hand.

"May I present the ICW Delegate from America, Lonefeather," Jakande said, indicating the Native American to his left.

"Delegate Lonefeather," Harry said, copying the man's bow.

"The ICW Delegate from Greece, Alexander Sarris," Jakande continued. "And finally, Delegate Horatio Moon from Great Britain."

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mister Potter, I've heard a lot about you," Moon stated, shaking Harry's hand. "Mostly from my daughter."

"Moon?" Harry asked, rapidly searching his memory before locking on to a girl he'd gone through Hogwarts with. "As in Lilith Moon?"

"My daughter," Moon beamed.

"Gentlemen?" Jakande said, indicating the seats.

As each settled down, a house elf popped into being and poured each of them a cup of tea.

"I'm sure that you're wondering why we asked you here," Jakande said to Harry.

"I'm assuming that it's got something to do with what happened at the Triskelion," Harry replied warily.

"In part, yes," Jakande replied.

"It is our understanding that you and the Avengers released copious amounts of S.H.I.E.L.D. intelligence to the world," Lonefeather stated.

"We did," Harry acknowledged before elaborating. "S.H.I.E.L.D. isn't what we thought it was. It had been infiltrated by HYDRA and a lot of its secrets were actually HYDRA secrets. By releasing those files, we hoped to undermine what they were trying to do and to get the rest of the world to see the threat that they posed."

"S.H.I.E.L.D. had a lot of ... sensitive files. Is there anything that we should be concerned about?" Sarris asked.

"If you're asking if there are files out there about the magical world, then the answer is no," Harry assured them. "We made sure to erase any files that even hinted at our existence before anything was released."

"We thank you and your team for upholding the Statute of Secrecy," Jakande said solemnly.

"How many know about the magical world?" Moon asked.

"Not as many as there used to be," Harry replied. "Only the agents with top S.H.I.E.L.D. clearance or the members of the World Security Council knew of the existence of the magical world and most of them were killed in HYDRA's uprising."

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