Heroes Assembled

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Harry dropped the last of the hula hoops in the pile and called for an elf.

"Can you please put these in the Bungalow? I wouldn't want them getting lost or used too early."

With a bow, the elf snapped its fingers and the hoops vanished.

"Alright, Luna, I'm all yours, thanks for waiting," he said, striding towards her.

"Now, that's what a wife likes to hear, her man telling another woman that he's all hers," Daisy stated, coming into the room with a small crowd at her back.

"Would you like me to hit him for you?" Crystal asked, a smile playing around her lips.

"Nah, if he needs it, I can do that myself," Daisy replied. "Besides, I know just how he likes it."

Harry grinned at her, stepped over to her and gave her a searing kiss.

"You didn't greet me like that, Harry," Luna mock-pouted, "and you said that I was all yours."

"You're a married woman, remember, Luna," Harry laughed. "It wouldn't be right."

"Hi, Luna," Daisy said, disentangling herself from her husband. "I'm guessing you got the message that big, dark and troublesome over there sent?"

"I did," Luna nodded.

"And it looks like your mission was a success as well," Harry commented. "Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, thank you for coming."

"Daisy explained the situation, there was no way that we wouldn't come to help," Medusa replied.

Black Bolt signed something with his hands and Medusa nodded at him.

"Black Bolt says to tell you that a very large space ship entered the solar system not ten minutes ago," she said.

"Merlin," Harry swore. "We were hoping we had more time."

"Where is everyone?" Daisy asked.

"New York," Harry replied grimly. "Or at least, what's left of it. It was bombarded from space and completely destroyed. There're millions dead and Tony and Matt are among the missing. The Compound's gone, too. We're doing what we can to help the survivors, finding as many as we can. Vision will bring you up to speed."

The Avenger in question stepped forward.

"If you would follow me, I will show you the images that we have and tell you everything that I know," he said.

Daisy, after one tight squeeze of Harry's hand and a hard, passionate kiss, nodded at him. He reached up and wiped away her tears.

"We'll have time to grieve later," he said. "Believe me, I know what you're feeling. I'm feeling it too."

"But you've already compartmentalised," she nodded. "You're right. Stay safe, Magic Man."

"I promise that I won't be leaving the island without you."

As she walked away with Vision and the Inhumans, Luna stepped forward.

"It's true? A city was destroyed from space?" she asked, more serious than Harry'd ever seen her.

"Yeah," he sighed.

"Can the people who did it be stopped?" she asked.

"I think so. I hope so," he said. "That's why I asked you to come here. I need your advice."

"Anything," she promised.

Harry stepped up to her side and placed a hand around her. Luna's nod told him that she understood his intensions. Thus, he twisted and the two of them apparated away.

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