Chapter 4 - First Rehearsal

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Here is the next chapter, I wonder how the cast will treat you.

You are getting ready to go to the theatre for the first rehearsal for In The Heights, I was so excited to get started. I was about to head out the door when my phone goes off, it's Lin seeing if I need a lift to the theatre for rehearsal, I shoot back a text saying I was just heading out the door if he wanted to swing by and give me a lift, so I went downstairs and waited for him to arrive.

When he arrived he had a huge smile on his face, he was about as excited as I was at the fact that we were starting rehearsals for his show that he had written today. I got I the car gave him a quick peck on the cheek and he drove us to the theatre. Once we had parked the car, he rushed around to my side of the car to open the door for me, which made me giggle and smile at the same time, then we walked inside hand in hand.

Lin said he had some stuff to take care of but I should go and find my dressing room and get settled in, which I did, I was in my dressing room when I heard a knock on the door, when I said "come in" the door opened to reveal two women standing there they introduced themselves, one of them was Karen Olivo who was your understudy and the other was Mandy Gonzales who was playing Nina, you introduced yourself, "hi, I'm Y/N I'm playing Vanessa" with that there was an announcement over the P.A. "all cast members report to the stage please, rehearsals are about to start." With that you and the others leave your dressing room and head for the stage, just as your about to step out onto the stage someone grabs you from behind, you let out a quiet yelp then you turn around and see it's Lin, he gives you a quick kiss on the lips then the two of you walk out onto the stage together, as you two walk out onto the stage there is a lot of awwws coming from the girls in the cast and wolf whistles coming from the boys, Lin goes to sit down with the rest of the production team and you find your seat, once you were sitting down the rehearsal started with a quick go around the room introducing our selves to everyone in the cast, when it was my turn I said "hi my name is Y/N, I am playing the role of Vanessa and I am so glad to be working with all of you especially since this is my first Broadway show.", then it got to Lin's turn and he said "Hi, I am Lin-Manuel Miranda, I am playing the role of Usnavi and I also wrote the show, and I am happy that I get to see each and every one of you take your parts and make them your own." After we introduced ourselves we were given our show materials like the script and music sheets, after everyone had received their stuff, Tommy the director and a fellow alumni from Wesleyan said "we are going to start off with Usnavi and Vanessa's duet from the end of act 2, I flicked to the page in my script and saw that Lin and I would have to kiss at the end of this scene, I had a huge smile at reading this and then my face went bright red, Lin's face was the same, so we started to sing the song and then when we got to the kiss, I follow what the script says and kiss him but as I go to pull away to sing my last line, the kiss gets more passionate, and then we hear from Christopher Jackson who is playing Benny "get a room, you two", at the sound of that we separate and we both were completely embarrassed, everyone laughed, we eventually saw the funny side and joined in, not too long after that the rehearsal was over and Lin asked me if I wanted to go to his place for dinner, I of course answered yes, we left the theatre and went back to his place.

Well, things seemed to get quite steamy at your first rehearsal, I wonder if it will progress when you get to his place, read the next chapter to find out.

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