Chapter 20 - Epilogue

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Well here it is the final chapter of this book, I hope you have all enjoyed reading this story, so you know we have time skipped to August of 2015 at the Richard Rodgers Theatre, it's opening night of Hamilton on Broadway let's see what happens.

Tonight is the night Lin has been working towards since reading Ron Chernow's Hamilton biography on our honeymoon, it's opening night of Hamilton: An American Musical on Broadway, I am so happy for Lin, he has been working towards this for so long now, and after all of the great press it received at the Public, I am so glad that it got a Broadway transfer and its so funny to think that it is going to be in the same theatre that In the Heights was in all those years ago, I have been at some of their rehearsals and I am so proud of this cast, their are a few familiar faces from Heights but quite a few new ones but it doesn't matter this cast has worked so hard for this and they are going to deserve everything that comes their way because of this, Seb is about to turn 5 as well so there is so much excitement in the air this month, Lin is already at the theatre and Seb and I are meeting him there later, both of us as well as his parents and sister are seeing the show tonight, which I am looking forward too, Luis and Luz are then going to take Seb back to their place for the night so I can go with Lin to the after party.

Later that evening

As I get Seb ready for tonight he says "I can't wait to see Daddy on stage tonight", I smile and reply "I know, your Dad has worked so hard for this, he started working on this before you were born, and now it's is going to be on in the same place your Dad and I fell in love", "Really, can you tell me the story again Mommy" Seb replied, I nodded "Ok, so many years ago before you were born, and before I met your Dad, I was with another man called Nathan, he was really nice and I loved him but my Grandma was very sick and when she died I went home to say goodbye to her, I was only gone for a few days but I really missed Nathan so I went back to our place early and he was with someone else so I said I didn't want to be with him anymore" Seb interrupted by saying "That man sounds really nasty", I continued by saying "He was for doing that, so I then came to live in New York City where we are now, a couple of days after I had got here I had an audition for your Dad's other show In the Heights but I was running late because my alarm didn't wake me up, so I was running down the street when a man came out of a coffee shop and bumped into me, do you know who it was" I said, "Daddy" Seb replied, "Yep, you're right, so your Dad and I were walking and talking until we got to where the audition were, I had to wait in a different room for my name to be called, eventually when it was my turn I went in sung my song and left, I was standing on the stage looking out into where we are going to sit tonight when your Dad found me and said that I got a part in the show, and he asked me if I wanted to get some dinner with him, that night he asked me to be his girlfriend and couple of years later he asked me to marry him and then you came along and now we are here about to see your Dad on stage, now I am going to tell you something important ok" I said, "What is it Mommy" Seb replied, "Now there are going to be some nasty words in the show if you hear them you can not ever say them okay, and Daddy is going to be kissing Aunty Pippa and Aunty Jazzy but he still loves Mommy okay, when he kisses them it's just pretend alright" I said hoping that he will understand "Okay Mommy, I like Aunty Pippa and Aunty Jazzy, they are really nice to me" he said, I chuckled "They are nice aren't they, come on Sweetie we need to go now" I said and with that we left the apartment and head to the theatre.

Time skip to the bows

I was standing up with everyone else as the cast took their bows when Lin stepped forward the sound was almost deafening, Seb was standing on his chair cheering for his Dad, I still couldn't believe how far we had come, soon enough Lin was handed a handheld microphone, I knew what this meant everyone sat back down and I put Seb in my lap, as I knew I would want to cuddle him.


The show had gone brilliantly, we had just done our bows and I was handed the microphone so I could make a speech, everyone in the audience sat down so I could start speaking, before I did I could see Y/N and Seb with my parents in the audience, I could also see Y/N had Seb in her lap, Seb waved at me as I began my speech "Hello, Hello, Hello I just wanted to say a few words, first off thank you all for coming tonight, we wouldn't be here today without your support, next I need to thank this amazing cast, the fabulous crew, Lac and his amazing band, Tommy, Andy and the wonderful producers, this show wouldn't be what it is without you guys. My parents thank you for all of your support over the years, I wouldn't be standing up here today if it wasn't for your support, now I might start getting emotional here because the next person I need to thank is the reason why this show exists and that is my wife and mother of my son Y/N" the cast cheered loudly when I said that, I continued "Y/N, 9 years ago I ran into you coming out of a coffee shop on my way to the auditions for my first Broadway show 'In the Heights', little did I know that that day would change my life forever, 7 years ago on our honeymoon I picked up the Hamilton biography, I read the first two chapters and said that this is a hip hop story, you encouraged me to write something, that turned into our opening number, whenever writing this got hard you were there with encouraging words that spurred me on, so if it wasn't for you none of us would be here and I thank you, you are the love of my life, I got to fall in love with you eight times a week on this stage when 'In the Heights' was here and I still get to do that everyday but it's even better now because of what you brought into this world almost 5 years ago, that is our gorgeous son Sebastian, I love both of you guys so much, this show wouldn't exist without either of you and with that I thank you, and so that is it, thanks again everyone and goodnight" with that Lac started that walk off music and I headed off stage with Pippa, once off stage we all gathered around hugging and each other with tears streaming down our faces, I saw Y/N walk backstage, she handed Seb to Jazzy and ran over to me smashing her lips onto mine, "I love you so much, I had no idea what you were going to say in your speech but that left me speechless" she said as she pulled away from the kiss, "I love you so much too, and every word I said is true, I could not have done any of this without you, you pushed me to continue writing even when it got hard, and I love you for it" I replied, then Seb came running over with Jazzy hot on his tail, "Daddy, the show was so cool" he said, "I'm glad you liked it, what was your favourite part?" I replied, "Um... I really liked the song where you talked about my son and you were on stage with Uncle Leslie" he said, "You mean 'Dear Theodosia'" I said, he nodded, "I like that song too, I wrote that song just after you were born" I told him and he just smiled, eventually my parents came congratulated me and the cast, grabbed Seb and headed home, I changed out of my costume and then Y/N and I headed to the after party. After we had done the red carpet we spent the rest of the night partying with the cast and I was amazed that someone had actually got The Roots to play, it was awesome, the night was capped off with fireworks which was amazing, I am so looking forward to see what comes now that the show is open.

Well that is it, this story is done, I hope all of you have enjoyed reading this as much as I have writing it, I have 2 other stories that are published and I have one more in the works please check those out if you want more to read, thank you all so much for reading this, when I started this I didn't expect to get so many readers, so I am so grateful to you all. Hope you all go and read my other books thanks.

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