Chapter 16 - New Heights

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Well you and Lin are married and have been on your honeymoon, this chapter is set a few months after you have returned from your honeymoon, there may be a surprise in this chapter, I should let you guys know that this book is coming to a end, I do have another book called Not Throwing away my Love, if you are interested, I just think it's time to focus on that book. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I woke up this morning to the smell of something cooking in the kitchen, I get out of bed and put my robe on, it's now getting colder here in New York as we get towards Christmas, Lin and I have been married for 4 months now, it is now late November, our honeymoon was amazing, we came back and got back into the show, both of us have decided that in the new year we will leave to show. The last couple of days I have been feeling off when I wake up but I am just assuming it's the change in weather that's causing it, I haven't said anything to Lin because I don't want him to worry about me when he is trying to make sure that the show is going to be alright once we leave, we still have about a month and a half til our last show but Lin is starting now so it doesn't creep up on him, he has already started writing something new, he was reading a biography of Alexander Hamilton on our honeymoon and one day he turned to me and said this guys story is so Hip Hop, and he started writing a song and now he has about three songs about this guy, I'm happy that he has found his next project, I make my way into the kitchen to see Lin cooking bacon and eggs, I smile and make my way over to him, "Morning sweetie, that smells amazing" I say as I wrap my arms around his waist and kiss the side of his head, "Morning to you my gorgeous wife, how are you this morning" he replies, I walk over to pour myself a cup of coffee and as I start to pour the smell makes me gag, which is strange because that has never happened before, I put the jug down and turn around to Lin, "I'm fine, would you like a cup, I have changed my mind about having some, I'll just have juice" I say, he looks at me confused as I normally can't get my day started without having a cup of coffee, still he shakes it off and nods yes, we eat our breakfast and get dressed then head to the theatre, when we get there I make my way to my dressing room, and sit down at my station, I hear a knock on the door, it opens and it's Karen standing there with a Starbucks cup in her hand and I gag again at the smell, she looks at me and says "Y/N are you feeling ok, you look like you might throw up", I look at her and say "Yeah, it's bizarre the last couple of days I have woke up feeling off, when I woke up this morning I felt fine but when I went to pour myself a cup of coffee the smell made me gag and when you walked in I had the same feeling again, I have no idea what's going on", she just smiled and said "I think I know what might be going on, has your time of the month come yet", all of a sudden I have the realisation "Oh my god, it's late, and the smell of coffee makes me gag, I think I might be pregnant" I say, she smirks at me and says "Well, now your going to have to take a test to make sure but I am happy for you, really I am", we did the show and everything was great, I got home and things were fine, the following morning I woke up early and went to the drug store down the road and got a test, I paid and went home to take it straight away, I am now sitting in the bathroom waiting for the test, it said on the box it will take 5 minutes, it has been about 4, I am so nervous about what it is going to say, all of a sudden the timer on my phone goes off, I stand up, go over to the counter where I have left the test, I pick it up, turn it over and read what it says 'positive' when I see that I feel tears form in my eyes, I can't believe it, I quickly make a doctors appointment so I can get it confirmed, today is luckily Monday so there is no show today, and so I booked the appointment for later this afternoon, I want to run into the bedroom and tell Lin but I decide to wait until after the appointment.

Time skip to the appointment

I am sitting in the doctors office waiting for my name to be called, when I hear it I make my way into the room "Hello Mrs Miranda, I am Dr. Lucas, I will be looking after you today, now what has brought you into see me today" the doctor says, I reply with "Well, I haven't been feeling great the last couple of days when I woke up, and my period is late so I took a pregnancy test and it read positive so I came in to get it confirmed", the doctor then said "Well then, we will run a few tests and give you a full check up just to make sure it isn't something else because those tests do sometimes give false positives but we'll see, shall we get started" I answer with a nod, so we did the tests, I am completely healthy other than waiting to find out if I am indeed pregnant, the doctor comes back in to the room with the results and says "Well I have good news, congratulations you are indeed pregnant, I would venture to say you are about 3 weeks along" I am so happy to hear this news, "Thank you so much, this has made my day, am I able to book my first appointment today" I say, the doctor nods and says "Just talk to the receptionist before you leave and again congratulations" I shake the doctors hand and make my way out, I book my next appointment before I rush home to tell Lin, I get home and he is sitting in his study trying to write, I walk in and wrap my arms around him while he is sitting at his desk, "How was your appointment, your not sick are you" he says, "Well I'm not at the moment but I might be in the next few months" I say with a giggle he turns his chair around quickly and says "Are you saying what I think your saying" I nod and say "Yes, Lin your going to be a father, I took a test this morning and the doctors just confirmed it, I'm pregnant" with tears in my eyes, he quickly stands up and hugs me then pulls me for a kiss, "how far along are you, do you know" he says as we pull apart from the kiss, "About 3 weeks is what the doctor said but we should find out properly when we go for my first check in three weeks" I say, we spent the rest of the day cuddling on the couch, I still can't believe that I am married to this amazing man and now I am carrying his child.

Love takes new heights (Lin-Manuel Miranda  X Reader) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن