Chapter 7 - One month to go

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Sorry about the time skip, wanted to move the story along. So in the last chapter you moved in with Lin, and you guys had sex for the first time, it is now one month until the show opens on broadway, so I wonder what will happen in this chapter.

Morning before rehearsals


You slowly open your eyes as you are blinded by the sunlight streaming in to your bedroom, you turn over to see Lin still asleep, with his arm over your shoulder, you try to make your way out of the bed without waking him up, just as you are about to get up you hear "good morning, Y/N, if it isn't the loveliest girl in the place" as Lin looks at you with weary eyes, as he is waking up, "you just had to say that didn't you" you say as you giggle, "what I can't help it, you are the loveliest girl in this place, I love you to the moon and back, and I feel like I should tell you that every morning when I wake up next to you" he says as he leans over to kiss you, "I love you too, Lin, and I love the fact that every morning I wake up with you by my side" as you both smile, you get up and make your way to the kitchen and start to make some breakfast for you and Lin, Lin walks into the kitchen and wraps his arms around your waist as you cook "whatcha cooking, gorgeous" he asks, "I'm just making bacon and eggs with coffee" I reply, as he sways you back and forth, you tell him "go and sit down, I'll bring you over breakfast once I am done cooking" he goes over and sits at the table in the kitchen and stares at you while you cook with a huge smile on his face "why am I so lucky to have a girlfriend who can sing beautifully, is an amazing actress, can dance like there's no tomorrow and can cook, I don't think I deserve you, Y/N" says Lin as you bring over the food, you laugh and say "well I'm lucky to have an amazing boyfriend who has written and is starring in his own show", you finish your breakfast and look at the time, and realise that you have to be at the theatre in half an hour, you quickly get ready as does Lin and then make your way to the theatre for rehearsals, once you arrive, you and Lin make your way to your dressing rooms, to get changed into your first costume as every rehearsal now you wore your costumes, once dressed you make your way to the stage ready for your entrance, just the rehearsal is about to start Lin appears give you a kiss and makes his way to where he begins the show.

After the rehearsal

You and the rest of the cast are standing in your finishing places as you sing the final note of the show, once the music finishes Tommy the Director says "excellent .work guys, I just have a couple of notes" you start to listen to the notes when someone wraps their arms around your waist, of course when you turn around it's Lin, he holds onto you throughout the notes, once there done you make your way back to your dressing room to get changed back into your regular clothes, you are about to leave when there is a knock on the door, you open it to find the girls standing there, they ask you whether you want to hang out with them tonight, Lin and you didn't have plans for tonight so you agree, you and the girls head back to Mandy's place where you order pizza, drink wine and watch movies and just hang out, as it gets later you decide that you need to head home, so you go downstairs and call a cab, you head back to Lin and your place, as you walk through the door, you see that all the lights are off, you think Lin must be in bed, you sneak into the bedroom, and see Lin peacefully sleeping, you get into a pair of sweatpants and an old t-shirt and you climb into bed beside your boyfriend as you fall asleep you feel Lin's arm wrap around you.

Well, aren't you and Lin so cute, well it's one month til the show opens, I wonder how you and Lin will cope as it gets even closer. Stay tuned to find out.

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