Chapter 15 - The Honeymoon

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Well you and Lin got married in the last chapter it is now time for your honeymoon, I wonder what you will get up to.

I woke up this morning with my new husband by my side, I am so happy, yesterday was beautiful and today we are leaving to go on a cruise around the South Pacific islands, Lin and I are flying to LA, we will spend a couple of days there before we fly to Sydney, Australia where we will spend a couple more days before we board the cruise ship and cruise for 2 weeks before we fly back to the US and get back to the show, when we go to Sydney I plan on taking Lin to where the wedding for my second cousin was and show him how beautiful it was, the only down side is that Australia is in the middle of winter at the moment but that doesn't bother me, at least it won't be as cold as New York gets. So I get up and hop in the shower, when I am out and dressed, my hair is dry, I exit the bathroom and Lin is still curled up in bed asleep so I go over and kiss his lips and then his eyes flutter open "Morning, my handsome husband" I say, he replies with "Good morning to you too, my absolutely gorgeous wife, we leave for our honeymoon today", then I say back "Yes we do, that means you should get out of bed, our flight for LA leaves at 2:30pm and we have to be there at least an hour before and it's already 11:30am, it will take us at least half an hour to get there if we're lucky and don't get stuck in traffic", with that Lin jumped in the shower quickly, once he was done we made our way to the airport and we got there with 5 minutes spare, we checked in for our flight and before we knew it we were on our way to LA, when we arrived in LA we made our way to the hotel we were going to be staying in, we were going out for dinner tonight, and tomorrow Lin had a surprise for me, I'm not sure what it is but I don't care, as long as my husband is by my side I don't care about what it is because with Lin by my side it will be fun, dinner was good, and the surprise turns out to be a trip to Disneyland, which was amazing, I got photos with most of the princesses, my favourite is Mulan, we did some rides, saw some shows, he bought me some Minnie Mouse ears which I have always wanted, and today we fly out to Australia, once we are there, we check into our hotel and the first thing Lin wants to do is go and see the Opera House and the Harbour Bridge, so that what we do, then I suggest we go to the aquarium which is in Darling Harbour but I make us take a ferry because that way it goes right under the bridge and I knew Lin would love it, which he did, we did a little bit more sightseeing before we crashed back at our hotel, then today I was going to take Lin to the wedding venue, luckily for us there was no forecast for rain today, it was going to be slightly cloudy and a little bit cold but not as cold as New York, so we didn't need big coats, we had hired a rental car for while we were here so once we had both had breakfast and got dressed I suggested we take a drive because there is a place that I wanted to show Lin, so Lin got in the passenger seat and I drove us, it took us a good hour or so to get out of the city, as we got closer to where we were going, I couldn't help but smile, Lin said "What are you smiling at, sweetie", I chuckled and said "Lin remembered how when we were deciding about where we were going to get married and I told you about my second cousins wedding" "Yeah" "Well, how would you feel if I said that we were going there so I could show you what inspired our ceremony" "I would say that I love you so much and would love to see the place that inspired our beautiful wedding" so I continued to drive, when we got there I parked the car and we got out, we started to walk, as we got closer I made Lin close his eyes and I would lead him there, it was just how I remembered it, just the weather was different, there was the  big tree overhanging the terrace, the fountain behind the hedges, it was still gorgeous, I said to Lin "On the count of three, open your eyes, one... two... three..." and with that Lin opened his eyes and his jaw dropped, "Y/N this is stunning, I can only imagine what that day was like, you were 16 on that day, and I can imagine you standing here watching two people who love each other so much tell all the people that were here that they are going to be with each other forever, I can also picture you looking absolutely gorgeous in what ever you wore that day" I just laughed, we walked around the gardens for a little while then I took Lin to the restaurant down the road where their reception was for lunch, then we made our way back to the hotel, we went out for dinner and had a really good time, today was the day we boarded the cruise ship, it was gorgeous, our cabin had a balcony that overlooked the ocean, we put our bags down and flopped on the bed, I had a feeling that we would not be leaving this room for a couple of days apart from to get food, and maybe to go use the pool or something but I don't care, and I was right, the first time we left our room was about three days after we left Sydney, we spent most of our time either in the bed or hanging around our room.

Well, it sounds like the beginning of your honeymoon is very romantic, I wonder if anything will come from all the time you and Lin have spent in bed. You'll need to stay tuned for the next chapter to find out.

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