Chapter 8 - Opening Night

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Sorry for another time skip. Well it's opening night tonight, you are about to debut on Broadway, you are the star in a show that your loving boyfriend wrote and is starring along side you. Let's see what happens in this chapter.

You start to wake up as you hear the alarm that Lin set last night goes off, as you roll over you see Lin turning it off and he turns back to you and says "morning, miss Broadway debut, how are you feeling this morning", you reply "I feel amazing, I have an amazing boyfriend who wrote an amazing show that is making its debut on Broadway tonight, I can't wait to see where life is going to take me after tonight" as he gives you a kiss on the cheek, you both spend a few more minutes cuddling in bed before you start your morning routines, you have breakfast and get ready to go to the theatre. You and Lin arrive at the theatre and he goes off to talk with the creative team before the show, while you go into your dressing room and start to prepare yourself for the show, when it's about an hour til the show starts you check your phone and see that your parents have sent you good luck messages as well as your best friend, they are all seeing the show tonight, all of a sudden there is a knock on your dressing room door, "it's open, come in" you say while you put the final touches on your makeup, the door opens and all you can see is a giant bouquet of flowers, then a head pops up over the top of them and it's Lin, "Liiiinnnn, you shouldn't have" you say in a whining tone, "I know but I thought that the most loveliest girl in the place deserves the most loveliest bouquet of flowers in the place" he says as he places the bouquet on your dressing room table and gives you a kiss on the cheek, "are you nervous, Y/N" he asks, I respond with "a little, I don't want to let you or the other cast members down", he then says "you shouldn't be worried, you are going to be perfect, you know all your lines, you know the songs, you know the choreography, you are the perfect person for this role, and no matter what happens tonight, I'm still going to love you", with that being said I felt completely comfortable and my nerves disappeared instantly, "you always have just the right words to say to me, before you said that I was so nervous but now that feeling is completely gone, I knew from the moment you asked me to be your girlfriend that you were the perfect boyfriend, I love you so much, and I am so proud of you, your show is opening on Broadway tonight, our families are here to watch us, our friends are here as well, and I know that they are so proud of us as well, I can't wait to see what happens after tonight" I say back to him, he pulls me into a deep embrace, I kiss him on the tip of his nose and just as he is about to return the kiss, a voice comes over the P.A. and says "two minutes til places", with that we make our way to the green room, Mandy wanted to do a quick prayer before we went on and Lin made a short speech about how proud he was of all the cast, after that we all made our way to our opening places, as the opening bars of the music started Lin gave you a quick kiss on the cheek and whispered "Break a leg" I just smiled as he left to go start the show.
As the show went on I couldn't help but smile when I was offstage, we got to Champagne and I knew we would get a huge cheer when Lin and I kissed, but I did not realise how big it was going to be, once we pulled away to continue the song the audience was still cheering to kiss and so I don't think any one heard the last lyrics of the song, as the final note of the show played I couldn't help but think 'OMG, I am a Broadway actress', as the curtain call music played I could hear the audience clapping everyone that came out, when it got to my turn, then was a huge standing ovation, I could see my parents were in tears, which made me start to cry, as Lin came out the applause got so loud, he pulled me into a passionate kiss, just before the entire cast bowed, he made a short speech thanking everyone for coming including his parents, once we all left the stage, we all were crying and hugging each other, Lin made another short speech and then we all hurried off to our dressing rooms to get changed for the after party, once I was changed, Lin and I made our way to the after party, both of our families were there to congratulate us, Lin introduced me to his parents who were so nice, Luis and Luz both said that they were so happy when Lin told them that he had found someone, and couldn't wait to meet the woman who made their son the happiest they had ever seen him, as we were talking I could see Lin's face was going bright red, once we had finished talking to his parents, I introduced Lin to my parents, "Lin, this is my mum and dad, Jane and Andrew", "it's a pleasure to meet the parents of the most beautiful girl I have ever met and the next biggest name to hit Broadway" Lin said as I went bright red, "Y/N has told us so much about you, I couldn't wait to meet the newest man in her life, you should know that you make her so happy, I think she is happier with you than she ever was when she was with her ex" Jane said, "that's right, I just want you to know that if you hurt my daughter in anyway possible, you won't know what hit you" "Dad, don't say that, I don't think Lin would ever hurt me, he and I love each too much to do that" you say, your dad replies with "I know it's just I don't want to see my only daughter hurt by a man again, I worry about you more than I do your brothers, I know your the oldest but I still consider you my little girl and that's why I worry", the conversation continued for a least five more minutes, after that your parents say their goodbyes to both you and Lin and his parents who they had begun talking to at the theatre as they were sitting next to each other, Lin's parents left shortly after yours did, and so that left you and Lin and the rest of the cast to continue partying into the night, luckily there was no show tomorrow as some of the cast members for sure would wake up in the morning with huge hangovers, luckily you only had two glasses of champagne as you are not a huge drinker and Lin wasn't drinking as he was driving you two home after the party.

The show had gone amazingly well, Y/N was amazing, and so was the rest of the cast, I had met her parents at the after party, her dad seem a little over protective of her, but I understand considering she is their only daughter, as we left the after party, I told Y/N "you were amazing tonight, and the fact that my parents love you as much as I do is amazing as well", she replied with "you were amazing too, sorry about my dad, he get so over protective sometimes it's embarrassing, but when you went to get more drinks, they told me that they really liked you, that's a good sign" when we got home, we pretty much went straight to bed as we were both exhausted after the day we had, but as I fell asleep with Y/N in my arms I had one thought in my head. I want to spend the rest of my life with this woman.

Well, opening night went well, you met each other's parents and Lin wants to spend the rest of his life with you, I wander what will happen in the next chapter. Stay tuned to find out.

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