Chapter 28

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"What are you doing?" Calfur asks looking down at me in wolf form. I don't reply and instead mind-link Isaiah about my situation.

Calfur takes a step towards me and I take one back.

"Is that you, Eden?" A sinister grin spreads across his face as he looks down at me. 

"What are you doing? Just running around in your wolf form?" He continues to step towards me all while I continue to move away.

"You know, I believe I should have monitored you more seriously. You could hurt someone since you're so unstable in your wolf form."

"Stop" I turn suddenly as a voice behind speaks out.


"Well look who it is?" Calfur chuckles. "It seems we have a dilemma going on. I am not being told the truth and Eden here is out of bed running around in her wolf form."

Isaiah moves closer to Calfur while I move behind him, not sure exactly what he intends on doing.

"Calfur," Isaiah nods his head, "I think you know why I'm here."

"I had hoped it wouldn't come to this," Calfur sighs, "I thought I could change your mind."

"So you knew? You knew I was lying?" Isaiah asks.

"I knew since you left. You bringing the girl, that confirmed it."


"Calfur, I cannot continue here with  your idea of power. It is not right."

"I believe it is. And if you don't agree with me, I guess will just have to settle this once and for all."

Calfur shifts into his wolf form and lunges directly toward Isaiah. I jump forward to protect him but I am shoved to the side by Isaiah before he turns into his wolf form.

*This is my fight, Eden,* Isaiah says in my head.

I nod to him and back away as the two powerful werewolves begin to fight. 



"Here we are and here we'll stay until my mate is returned safely to my arms!" We stand in front of the entrance to the underground Rogue and I must say, I'm impressed. The Rogue compound is much more secure than I could have imagined. 

No problem though, I think to myself, no one's stronger than my pack.

"Kill anyone who stands in your way! But remember, I want my mate unharmed!"

My pack begins to howl, submitting approval to my plan. Carter and Andrew stand next to me in human form, both of them cheering aggressively with the rest of the pack.

"Any hostages, Alpha?" Carter asks.

"A few could really be beneficial," I say, "we'll allow a few hostages." 

"Last thing, this mission is just to get Eden. We'll come back in three days to finish them off for good!"

More howling from my pack at the idea of the end of Rogue. The reason why I'm having them wait is I don't want Eden accidentally killed. Better to get her out now and return with more firepower later.

My pack lines up outside the shack and I watch as Carter and Andrew go inside, setting up the explosives to get through the barrier. Once they're safely outside, my pack backs up while I countdown.

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