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Harry's POV

What I craved in life was love. I had had relationships before, I'd had crushes sure, but all those had been temporary, fleeting even.

I knew that high school was coming to a close, I knew that I would inevitably end up living in an apartment alone, practically living off of my dad's costco membership.

You see, love was different from a crush, well actually... Maybe it wasn't, I guess I was going by that fluttery feeling you get when you're watching a romance movie, I'd like to think that love was that, but all the time. I had always wondered if that feeling of love one has for their family is anything akin to love for a romantic partner, because I think... Even if love wasn't fluttery all the time, and it was just that constant, comforting affection, I wanted it.

I wanted not just for someone to love me, I wanted to truly and completely love someone back, even if it ended in a broken heart, I wanted just for a little while to know what it felt like to be in love.

It was the first day of my senior year, and I hadn't even signed up for my classes yet. See, we had just moved into town, moving truck was still being unloaded. New year, new school, as my dad liked to say. This was something we did every year. Pack up at the end of every year, pick some obscure town at least two thousand miles away, and just move. I think it was because my parents had never had much opportunity to travel when they were in highschool, and them being freelancers, a writer and a photographer... Well, they didn't give Gemma and I much of a choice.

First thing in the morning I woke up, showered, got dressed, decided against what I was wearing and got dressed again, then ran downstairs, grabbed a bite to eat, and hopped in the car with my mom to get to the guidance counselor.

"So, you still need a math credit, a science credit, history, english, aaand language to graduate. Anything you're particularly interest in?"

"What is there?"

"Well... Let me see. Okay, so for english we have advanced, AP, film studies..." She listed off several classes in each category and I ended up just choosing whichever sounded easiest.

"Give me one moment" She printed my schedule, walking over to grab the paper "Here you go"

"So I start today? Just like that?"

"Just like that"

I stood, and left the room, looking at my schedule and comparing it to the map she'd handed me earlier.

"D101, where the hell is the D building?" I flipped the map before slowly making my way in what I thought was the general direction of the building"

"Hey, need a little help there?" A soft with an Irish accent came from behind me, I turned to see a teenage boy with blond hair and nice eyes approaching me. I tried fitting him into a category. He wasn't one of those guys who wears their pants below there knees and smokes weed behind the school. He wasn't one of those guys who always wore their team uniform, he wasn't a nerd with plaid shorts and funny glasses. He was probably a drama kid, or maybe one of the artsy musician types? Or both even.

"You okay?" He waved his hand in front of my face "I'm Niall, do you need help with finding your class?"

"Yes!" I said, thankful for his offer "Where the hell is D building? I don't even know what building I'm in now?"

"You new? Freshman?"

"No, no, I'm a senior, I transfered from another school"

"Oh, okay, well we're in the A building now, B building is through there, C building past that, and D building is that way, take a left, down some stairs, another left, through a couple doors and shit, and then you're there. Actually, why don't I just show you? I have class in D101 anyway."

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