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Harry's POV

Saturday morning I threw on my favorite shirt and a pair of skinny jeans. It wasn't really morning, it was nearly noon, but I had just woken up so I counted it as morning, I pulled my phone out.

To Niall:

Hey Niall, It's Harry btw. What do you want to do today?

A few minutes passed,

From Niall:

HI. Maybe we should hang at yours or mine? Or even better, we could go to that new pizza place.

To Niall:

Pizza on me then?

From Niall:

This is why you're my best friend!

To Niall:

Meet you there in an hour?

From Niall:

Sure, see you then.

I refrained from eating breakfast even though I was hungry, I finished up my second essay and then headed out the door, deciding to walk rather than catch a bus. It was a beautiful day. Blue sky, sunny and warm, although it looked almost as if it could rain later. Nevermind I Liked rain anyway. The walk there was peaceful, it gave me a chance to explore the neighborhood a little bit, which I really enjoyed. One thing that I was not expecting was sitting on the steps of a large white house with pink shutters; Louis Tomlinson. He waved with his unhurt arm. It made me feel warm that even though he didn't know me he still waved as if we were friends.

"Hey" He called. That was the first time I'd ever heard his voice and I loved the way it sounded. "Hey Curly!" I realized that he was talking to me and I approached the house.


"What's your name?"


"Well Hi... I'm Louis. You're new"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I notice things sometimes, come sit with me for a minute"

I awkwardly went to sit by him. "I heard you got hurt" I said, glancing at his sling.

"I fell down some stairs"

"I heard you were pushed"

"Well don't believe everything you hear, people like to make things up at our school. Lots of rumours that aren't true."

"Why are you talking to me? We've never even met each other before this"

"Do I need a reason to be nice?"

"Well no"

"Look, I make it a point to have at least one good conversation with every single person I meet. Because if you don't know someone then you start to make assumptions about them, they might begin to get on your nerves for absolutely no good reason... It's better to truly know someone than to hate them because you don't"

I had a feeling that this had nothing to do with him hating the people he met, but rather the other way around.

"I keep hearing your name called in class and you're never there..." I stated

"I fractured my wrist, I think my physical health is a little more important than learning how to calculate the acceleration of some skateboarder with a death wish"

"You got me there... You know, I kind of have to go, I'm meeting a friend... Wait, would you maybe like to come with?"

"Where might you be going?"

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