Fifteen (Final Chapter)

486 44 35

Louis' POV

When Harry had said "Take us to somewhere quiet" I don't think he meant a library, but that's where we ended up... A public library that looked for all practical purposes, like a medieval castle. With turrets, and towers, and the like.

It wasn't quite ten o'clock when the building was supposed to open, so when the driver dropped us off, and Harry paid for the ride, we had to wait ten minutes outside the library, until young woman with extensively long hair, came out and unlocked it for us, propping the outer door open. We went inside, and with awe, examined the shelves upon shelves of books.

So for comparison sake, the library back home, was one room, fifteen feet by fifteen feet, and it literally never had in the books we needed... This was like six stories... I could have died.

We walked to the back of the young adult section, where there were seats for people to sit and read, I plopped myself down on one of the chairs, and stared up at the gilded fucking ceiling, and stained fucking glass windows.

Harry came over, sitting on my lap because why not? I reached up and stroked his curls, he rested his head against my chest. We had practically just woken up, but Harry was warm against me, and everything was quiet as promised. And somewhere, in this contentment... We both drifted... Slowly... To sleep.

The first thing I saw, as I opened my eyes, was an unfamiliar floor, my head against something hard and uncomfortable. Drool dripped down my cheek, and collected in a puddle on the surface my head was resting on. As I tried to move my head, I felt a sharp pain in my neck, having slept on it wrong. Someone rapped me in the head with a hard object, and I sat up straight in my seat.

"Wake up Mr Tomlinson, no sleeping in detention!"

I blinked... Taking in my surroundings with a sudden interest. When I realized where I was, I nearly leapt with joy... Which shouldn't be my first reaction when finding out I was sitting at a desk in detention, and the teacher had just hit me with a ruler. But that is how I felt, back in a familiar (no I'd never been to detention) environment. I looked around, hoping that Harry would be there, but he wasn't... How had I gotten here anyway? What had other Louis done?

A bell rang in the distance "Alright, y'all can go home now" The teacher sighed

I jumped up, almost forgetting my school bag, grabbing it, before dodging out of the room before anyone else had even left their seats.

I ran down the hall, through the lobby, out the front door, to the bus stop. The bus came ten minutes later, and I barely remembered to flash my school I.D before heading to the back. The bus reached my stop, but I didn't get off, I got off at the next one, Harry's stop.

I got out, thanking the driver.

I ran to Harry's door, taking a minute to catch my breath, before rapping loudly.

It was Harry's mother who answered the door, raising her eyebrow in suspicion.

"Hey" I said "Is Harry there?"

"Depends on who you ask" She said "I don't think Harry wants to see you very much"

I laughed "What do you mean?"

"He wasn't very pleased when he got back from school today, any idea why that is?"

I shook my head "Can I see him?"

"Can you tell me why he hasn't been himself lately? Is it drugs?"

I laughed again "Not a chance in hell" I said "Have you met your son?"

"When he comes down I'll have him call you, for now, why don't you go home"

I scowled, scuffing my worn out sneakers on the wood of the porch "Fine" I groaned

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