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Louis' POV

I had noticed Harry the minute he'd walked into our first class, all I'd known about him was that his last name was Styles, he was way taller than me, and he was really fucking attractive, with his pretty curly hair, his beautiful green eyes, his muscular arms and shoulders. He must play sports of some kind, or work out? I had enjoyed watching him during class (In a totally not creepy kind of way... I hope) And then I heard him talking to Niall Horan about the location of their next class, and then they were talking about me, which I didn't catch most of because I was shuffling through my bag trying to see if my schedule matched up with his. I really wanted it to, I wanted to be his friend. He was new at this school and he already seemed so warm, and accepting, and I was glad that Niall had a friend. By the time I had pulled out my schedule, found out that I was indeed in the same class as Harry, the boys had disappeared, and checking my watch I realized I was going to be late to class.

This meant I had to go all the way to A building to get a pass from the office. I jogged up the stairs, coming face to face with Catherine Damercio, the only person in the entire school that I hated beyond anything. She was the school bully, always pushing people around. My conversation with her had been the exchange of four words on the first day of my freshman year, she had been a Sophomore at the time, since then she'd been held back two grades, leaving her in the same grade as me. I knew from the very beginning that I was going to hate her, her words to me had been "Get a life (and then a very particular homophobic slur which is totally not okay to say to anyone)"

I mean, who wouldn't hate someone who'd said that to them?

As we met at the top of the stairs she looked down on me, a good six inches taller than I was. She didn't even speak to me, she just shoved me, hard, I lost my balance and toppled down the three sets of stairs that I had just climbed up. She ditched before anyone came to help me.

They called an ambulance, and my mother, and everyone was talking about it for a while.

My second meeting with Harry had been brief, I'd been talking to a counselor about making up the work I'd missed, and Niall and Harry had come to get a pass. That's when I learned what his full name was... Harry Styles, what a badass name. He'd looked nervous,a nd cute, and out of breath.

The third time I'd seen Harry was the first time we officially met. I'd been listening to bad pop music through my headphones, sitting on my front steps, when he'd caught my eye, walking down the street in front of my house. He looked good, his hair in a bun on top of his head, t shirt, and tight jeans. It took me a little while to work up the courage to say something, but once I did we ended up chatting for a while, making my heart race a little. Just this chat and I felt like I knew him, this was our conversation... But of course, I couldn't let Harry know that, I wanted to talk to him forever. And then he invited me to have pizza with him... And Niall, Niall was nice.

I thought back to my conversation with Niall, it had been at a football game during our Sophomore year together, it was the beginning of the year and I was debating whether to do cheerleading like I had as a freshman, or if I should join the football team. I had been worried that I wasn't good enough. I hadn't played football since fifth grade, since the middle school wouldn't let me on the team. Niall had sat next to me, and shared his chips with me while we watched, and then we'd talked about snakes, for a full hour during the game, while we were watching every move on the field, stopping to cheer whenever someone scored, or the goalie made a good save. Our conversation had ended with me relaying my thoughts about joining to team to Niall, and he'd just said "Go for it" telling me that if I wasn't good enough they wouldn't let me on the team and I could go back to cheer, and if I was good enough then they'd let me on the team, and I wouldn't go back to cheer.

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