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Louis' POV

Two weeks after school had started I began anticipating Liam's return, he was the one and only person whom I would be able to dump all my hopes, and worries, and details about my life on. And he would understand every word of of my stumbling utterances and awkwardly long sentences. I could tell him about Harry, and how much school sucked, and I just wished Liam would get back already... Four more days and I would have a shoulder to cry on. I had been spending more and more time with Harry and Niall over the past weeks, Harry kept asking if we'd had our conversation yet, and I kept telling him no. Lying, but for a good cause. I just hoped he wouldn't catch on. We'd hung out outside of school only three times since the Pizza thing, mostly we'd grab food together. Once we went over to Niall's to watch a movie. And I started getting to know Harry more and more as the days went by. He was smart, and funny. He was creative, and beautiful. Generous, and selfless, and kind. He was perfect. But he had no social skills... He had this thing where he couldn't initiate conversations, maybe it was a symptom of anxiety or something, I felt it lessening slightly as we got to know eachother better, one time he even asked me a question without me having asked him one first. I knew it wasn't changing on a social level, but on a personal level. So I began starting conversations between him and other people when I saw that he wanted to say something to someone.

It was a wednesday, and we were all anxious for the weekend.

"Maybe we could go swimming saturday afternoon?" Niall said while we were on our way to lunch downtown. Every other wednesday we had a full block free at lunch time, so we were heading to a nice bakery to get tea and pastries.

It was really nice to be free from the confines of the highschool for a while.

"Uhh sure..." Harry said "Where do people go swimming around here?"

"There's the indoor pool, next to the library. Or if you're feeling really adventurous there's this small lake outside of town that you can hike to and swim in. But the water's always really nice in the summer"

"Wait... We have a pool in this town?" Niall said "How did I never know that?"

"Uhh, maybe it's because you don't go to the library, so you don't see the big building with the fucking pool in it?" Harry said confidently, it made me happy when he seemed comfortable like this.

"Shut up Haz"

"Why don't we go to the lake?" Harry said, almost shyly, and indecicive, as if he was ready to take it back the moment someone contridicted him. I'd seen him do it before... And it kinda made me sad.

"That's a great idea Harry" I said

"But that means we have to hike" Niall groaned. I shot him a glare when Harry turned away for a moment. "Yay the lake" Niall continued, catching my drift.

We got to the bakery and ordered. Harry left to go to the bathroom as Niall and I sat down, leaving us alone.

"Why are you so protective of Harry like that?" Niall stated, as soon as Harry was out of earshot.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, Harry always has to be right to you... Every decision he makes is a good decision to you... Whats with that?"

"Maybe I just agree with him?"

"Well why do you keep glaring at me like you'll kill me if I contradict him?"

"I don't glare at you"

"Yes you do are you in love wi- Hi Harry" Niall said

I jumped so hard I almost spilled my tea. I think Harry noticed because his eyes narrowed. Please don't let him think we were talking about him behind his back, Please don't let him think we were talking about him behind his back, Please don't let him think we were talking about him behind his back. Please, please, please. He sat down across from me, taking a sip of his tea, his eyes avoiding mine.

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