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Louis' POV

Harry looked really nice this morning. By the time I woke up he was already in the shower. I got out of bed and quickly got dressed, then put on some hot water for tea. Harry came out of the bathroom a few minutes after the water had boiled, to find clothes, and again I admired his body. He had really nice arms... I don't know why I have a thing for arms but I do, I wanted him to wrap his arms around me. I suddenly remembered the night before, when I had come out to Harry about my sexuality. I had this sudden pang of anxiety, like what if he didn't want to be friends with me, what if he wasn't comfortable around me any more. I didn't want him to get weirded out when we hugged. I politley told my brain to shut up, trying to clear my head of the negativity. Harry was a good guy... He would tell me if things were weird right?

"Hey Louis" Harry said, coming out of the bathroom fully clothed this time "Good morning"

"Morning Harry" I said back

"How are we going to get back home?" He asked "I didn't think I'd ever feel this way, but I'm beginning to miss school"

"No you're not, you're just missing home, and your friends"

"Maybe you're right..."

"I know I'm right actually, I feel the same way"

There was a sudden knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I called out

"Harry! Come on, we have to get to rehearsal"

I went to the door and opened it

"Oh Louis! What are you doing in Harry's room?" Liam stood there, hand on his hip, looking very impatient, and suspicious...

"Hanging out?"

Harry came up behind me.

"Guys, you were suposed to up like a half hour ago, we have a car out front that's waiting for us"

"Oh..." Harry said

I gestured to Harry as if to say 'let's go', and I followed Liam down to the lobby where Niall and Zayn were waiting for us. I felt very nervous, I knew we had to fill in these roles, and acting I could do, acting I was good at... But I didn't know this characrer well enough, which was ironic because I was supposed to be playing myself... I looked over at Harry as we got into the car, Liam and Niall were dead set on seperating him and I during the car ride, maybe they didn't think we would get along, I supposed the Harry and Louis from this world didn;t get along very well.

When we arrived at our destination, I found that it was a huge stadium, large enough for about ten thousand people... And when I brought it up, Liam dismissed it like that was a small number. How many fans did One Direction have? I was used to acting in front of like fifty people, not ten thousand. The rehearsal went surprisingly well, I mean Harry and I didn't know the choreography, and we forgot a few words to the songs we'd memorized, but we didn't throw off the rest of the band enough to get more than a light scolding.

"Okay boys, take Night Changes from the top please"

I ran through the lyrics in my head 'going out tonight, changes into something red, her mother doesn't like that kind of dress, everything she never had she's throwing...' no that was wrong 'showing off?' Was that even the right part of the song? The other guys began to sing, each magically knowin both the lyrics, and the parts that were their solos. I didn't know when I was supposed to start singing, until Harry's part ended and I was prompted to sing.

"Chasing it tonight" I didn't think it was the right part of the song honestly but I stuck to it "Doubts are running round her head" Same though... "He's waiting hides behind a ciggerette. Heart is beating loud and she doesn't want it to stop" I do want it to stop though...

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