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Harry's POV

The club atmosphere was fascinating, the people were different from anyone I'd ever seen, and I didn't even know how to begin classifying them. We went to sit at the bar, the bartender knew us, which was disconcerting. He was tall and slightly tubby around the middle, grey hairs littering his beard, american accent. He probably used to be a jock in high school, probably now settled for watching american football on the television, he probably was in a happy marriage, due to the ring on his finger and the picture of his wife and daughter that he'd pinned on the wall behind the bar. I turned to Louis to see a girl tapping him on the shoulder, I wondered if she was a fan. Louis turned around.

"Louis" She said "I've been looking for you since the other night... Why didn't you answer my calls"


"Nevermind Lou. You're here now"

Then the girl began full on snogging Louis, which stopped my heart, I literally died, tell my parents I loved them, and I'm leaving my laptop to Gemma, she had promised to clear my search history if I ever couldn't do it myself. I hope they think of something funny and inspiring to write on my grave. If it just says R.I.P, then everyone will think I'm lame in the afterlife... The girl was still kissing Louis, and he wasn't stopping her. If my heart hadn't stopped, then maybe it had at least broken... Finally the girl broke away from Louis, and she kept asking him what was wrong. And he looked very out of sorts.

His eyes wide, his hair ruffled from her running her hands through it. He looked like he'd seen a ghost.

"I'm gay!" He blurted out. My heart stopped, I died again, my life flashed before my eyes before I finally let out my last breath. Someone please let my friends and family down gently. Niall could have my stash of chips and oreos that I hid under my bed, they would be safe in his hands... Someone return my library books when I'm dead. Donate my clothes to the homeless, give my organs to some nice lady from california who needed them. Give my playstation to Louis, maybe he could make some use out of it.

"I don't want to kiss you, I'm gay..." How could I have not known he was gay? Unless he was making it up to get her to leave him alone? I would have to have talk with him later about that..."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME SOONER?!!!" The girl spluttered "Why would you do this to me?"


"I thought you like me, I really thought you liked me... I'm not mad that you're gay, I'm mad that you led me on like that... I thought we were going to be together forever, and live happily ever after. That's how much I like you."

"I'm... I'm so sorry" Louis said "I'm so so sorry"

"Look... I like being around you. You're a great guy Louis. I know you don't like me romantically or sexually even. But do you think you could come around to liking me platonically?"

"Um... Okay"

The bartender handed me a drink, which I downed in one go, which was a bad idea because it was disgusting. Louis seemed to remember I was there and looked over at me, eyes wide. He took a sip of his own drink, making a face and then spitting it discreetly back into the cup.

"Look... El?" He seemed to be reaching for her name "I have to go... But I'll text you later I guess" He awkward walked over to me and grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the club. It was dark, the only light coming from the streetlamps and the moon. Louis dug his phone out of his pocket.

"Looks like the hotel is about ten minutes walking distance from here" He said, ignoring whatever had gone down in the club.

We began walking in that direction.

We got back to the in one piece, going inside and heading up to our rooms in silence. Louis tried to go into his own room, but I pulled him into mine instead, shutting the door behind us.

"We need to talk" I said

"Now? Can't it wait?"


"What do you want to talk about?"

"I just... Overheard what you said to that girl at the club. Is that true?"

"Is what true?"

"You're gay?"

He squirmed "Yes"

"Okay" I said "Me too"



"You too what?"

"I'm gay too"

"Nooo I don't believe it" He said

"What do you mean you don't believe it?"

"I mean, you were totally checking out Nava at the diner. I think you're just trying to make me feel better or something, I'm not buying it"

"Okay, don't buy it then" I said, what else are you supposed to call it when a guy is in love with another guy? I wanted to ask him... But I didn't

"Fine, I won't"

"Okay, don't then" I laughed, going to make myself some tea. Louis began stripping down to his boxers before slipping into my bed. I did the same and then slipped in next to him. I drank my tea before getting settled in.

He shut off the light after a while, and I waited until he was asleep to rest my head on his chest, and fold my arm around his waist, this made me very happy. I realized after drifting almost all the way asleep, that we had a concert the next day... And I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

The next morning when I woke up, Louis' legs were wrapped around mine, and it felt too nice to get up. I couldn't help but imagine a world where he was in love with me as much as I was in love with him, and we'd lay in bed together and I'd kiss him, and he'd kiss back and then we'd fuck and it would be great. And now I had a fucking boner, which was not good news. I had to excavate myself from Louis' grip and head into the bathroom to relieve myself. I turned on the shower and got in, letting the water run over my body.

When I was done in the bathroom I wrapped a towel around my waist, and left the bathroom to find some clothes. Louis was up by then and watched me as I dug through my suitcase, I found something to wear and then went back into the bathroom to change. 

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