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Harry's POV

Entering the house we were met with silence, my parents not yet home from wherever they'd wandered off to. Louis followed me up the stairs and we went in to my room. Louis seemed a little bit awkward and I just wished I could kiss him, no I didn't... Why do I keep thinking that? I don't even like him that way, and he would hate me if I did that, he probably would never talk to me again.

"Harry" Louis said to me as we sat down on my bed "Serious question here. What do you want to do for a living?"

"Louis, you know I'm indecisive..."

"Okay, top three career choices"

"Well... I've always kind of wanted to be a musician? Like be in a band or something... Or I'd want to be a sociologist..."

"I didn't know you were musically talented" Louis said

I flushed red "Well... Um, I don't know, I just like to sing that's all"

"Okay, and sociology? What's that about?"

"I don't know, I just like figuring out people"

"Have you figured me out?"

"Well... No, not really..." I looked away, embarrassed

"Why not?"

"You're just so... Per- Complicated" I said, stopping myself from calling him 'perfect'


I leaned backwards, laying on my back, looking up at the ceiling.

"I used to have glow in the dark stars at my old house" I said

Louis lay back, following my gaze "Where did you live before this?"

"We... We move every year, every fucking year we find a new house, in a new place, with a new school... And I have to make new friends, find a new favorite restaurant, figure out my new life... I've lived all over the country... I mean one year during middle school we lived in belgium, and nobody spoke english, and I had to learn bits of french flemish and dutch, all at the same time, and I still can't figure out which one is which..."

"Oh... I didn't know you moved so much"

"Well that's all stopping this year, because after this year I'll be going to university, and I might actually have some permanence in my life"

"Where do you plan to go?"

"I don't know yet, I don't care so much... Most school have music and sociology, right?"


"How about you?" I asked

"I don't know... I want to do pro football, or music, or maybe I want to be an actor"

"Are you doing the play this fall?"

"Yes... I always do the school plays"

"Are you any good? Do you get good parts?"

"I don't know, is the lead role usually a good part?" He said, feighning ignorance.


"You know, you should audition... Also there's football tryouts next week, you should come and try out."

"Nah, I'm no good"

"I doubt it, I bet you'd be great at both"

"Don't say that... I hate when people say that..."

"Say what?"

"That I'm good at things when they've never seen me do it... It's not like I'm fishing for compliments... I'm just, stating facts I guess"

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