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Louis' POV

Harry had found the creepiest thing I'd ever seen. It was basically evidence that this wasn't a prank, and this wasn't some kind of almost normal thing... Lke where I had been expecting this was a day later and something had happened while we were sleeping... This was like we'd been picked up and just dropped off in the middle of someone elses' timeline. This was the kind of stupid shit that happened in movies, not real life, never in real life. This band of ours? It was a 'worldwide boyband sensation' according to one website. We had just about every detail of our personal information just littred on the internet, along with pictures, videos, music that we'd written and performed? We each had a very long list of ex girlfriends... Harry... Harry Fucking Styles, had a reputation as a womanizer, and he was known worldwide it seemed as a sex icon. And god, don't get me started on the fanfiction we'd found. Terribly written highschool fics and the like, and oh yeah, another thing... Turns out we were high school dropouts. We'd formed a band on the X-Factor... I'd never even heard of the X-Factor... In fact I was pretty sure that the X-Factor was unique to whatever universe we'd been put into.

Harry and I spent all day researching, listening to our own music on repeat, admitting to ourselves that it was pretty fucking catchy.

"Shit" Harry said at about one "We have a show in two days... That's what Liam said right?"

My face went pale "We have to perform? In front of people?" I gestured to the video that was playing on Harry's phone, it was a stage concert, showing a screaming crowd while Harry goofed off while he was singing... "Those people?"

"So... We have to learn all these songs don't we..."

"Umm, I don't see what other choice we have"

We began memorizing lyrics, playing songs back and trying to sing allong... Harry had the most amazing silky yet rough voice that I'd ever heard, I had never heard him sing before, and I could tell immediately why alternate reality Harry was a famous singer... It was a well deseved title.

We spent about twelve hours together, figuring out who these people, who we, were supposed to be. We had to fit in didn't we? Pretend that we were these famous people with our faces? It wasn't like we could just tell the world and they would believe us and let us go home to finish high school. All of us boys had grown up seperately, we hadn't met before the X-Factor, these people who were supposed to be our highschool friends, they were different. The heart and soul I'd poured into Liam through the years, the secrets I'd told him, the stories, the every day conversations, were all gone. Liam and I might as well be strangers.

Eventually we had to go to bed, and instead of going to my room for the night I just slept in Harry's.

"I want this to be a dream" Said Harry "Maybe we think it's real now, but we're going to wake up and we'll still be on that rock, and Niall will be trying to splash water on us complaining that he's hungry"

"That sounds nice" I replied. Looking up at the cieling.

"I need some tea" He said, about to get up and make some for himself. Instead, I stood up and walked to the small kitchen where I flipped on the kettle and grabbed a tea bag from the cupboard. Making the tea, and handing it to him. I sat up against the headboard, as Harry finished his tea before drifting off to sleep.

"You know you talk in your sleep right?" I said as Harry's eyes fluttered open the next morning,

"Do I? What did I say?"

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles and I'm an idiot"

"I did not say that" He said, looking me in the eye

"Fine... You said something about a field of grass, and you kept asking where all the fish went... So a little more abstract I guess" I chuckled at his eye roll, before realizing we were still in that god forsaken hotel room. "Can we just get out of here today? Leave the hotel and go somewhere... Anywhere."

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