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Harry's POV

I wanted to have sex with Louis. Like throw him against a wall, snog his face off, intimate, romantic sex. That's not a normal way to think of your best friend is it? I shouldn't be feeling that way should I? No matter how much I tried to tear my mind away from my dirty thought, I couldn't... Neither could I take action on my thoughts. Is this what unrequited love feels like? Is this was love feels like? It was bubbly, but I had felt that from the moment I'd layed eyes on Louis. I hadn't recognized it quite as a crush... But this was different from any crush I'd felt, a crush usually I could brush off and it would go away after a little while, but I'd brushed this off, or at least tried to... But no matter how hard I tried it stuck to me.

I tried really hard not to get an erection in the middle of a diner, but inevitably I did just that. I crossed my legs to hide it. Nava returned after a couple of minutes with our drinks, setting them down in front of us.

"You ready to order?" She asked

I scrambled to remember what I had been planning to order, my mind having been distracted the past few minutes by thoughts of Louis.

"French toast" I stated awkwardly

"Would you like that with bacon or sausage?"

Oh god, I hadn't thought his through. At least I hadn't ordered eggs. "Umm... Bacon"

"House fries with that?"

"Yeah, sure"

"Maple syrup okay?"

"Yes" I said, hoping this would be the last of her barrage of questions.

"Can I have your autograph?" She asked

I sighed "Yes" She held out her notebook and I signed it quickly"

She turned to Louis "I'll get eggs benedict with house fries" He said

"Okay, sure thing, could I get your autograph too?"

He signed her notebook. Nava left.

I looked up at Louis, seeing his concerned eyes staring back at me. "You okay?" He asked

"I'm just fine" I told him I sighed "I'm worried about what's going on back home... You think my mother has disowned me yet?"

"She wouldn't do that"

"Okay, but from what I've heard about Harry from this world, he sounds like a bit of an asshole. Like other me and other you had a fight. I don't fight people... He sounds... Different than I am"

"Maybe your mom will think you're going through a rebellious phase"

"Okay, well I went through that phase in middle school, I don't know if she'll believe me going through the same phase twice"

"You were rebellious in middle school?" Louis laughed

"Well sort of... I didn't want to move, so I kind of ran away during seventh grade"

"You ran away?" Louis was looking more and more amused "Tell me more"

"I ran away to my best friend's house"

"And how long did it take them to find you?"

"Twenty minutes"

"Only twenty minutes?"

"Well yeah, my friend lived next door. I was late for dinner, so my mom came and got me. They didn't even realize I was trying to run away, they thought I had just gone over to play"

Louis began to crack up, he had a really cute laugh. I wanted to kiss him. I didn't kiss him. "What else did you do during your 'rebellious phase'?"

"Whenever I went out with my family, I would ask to sit at a different table with my sister Gemma. Because I didn't want to talk to my parents"

"Wow, what a mean son you were"

I laughed.

Our food arrived after a minute, and when I realized Nava was still standing there, I looked up.

"Okay" She said, taking a deep breath "I know this might be considered to some of the Directioners as an invasion of your privacy or whatever... But I notice you two seem really close, and I will die if I don't ask you this, is Larry real?"

I looked at her blankly, having only understood half the words in that sentence "What?"

"Is Larry real?"

"What's that?" Louis asked

"Don't tell me you don't know about Larry Stylinson"

"Larry Stylinson?" I blinked

"Oh come on. You've never heard of Larry Stylinson? The ship of the century? The number one topic on all One Direction Tumblr blogs?"

Again, I only understood half the words that were coming out of her mouth.

"No? Really?"

"Who's Larry Stylinson?"

"Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles?" She said "What I'm trying to ask is... Are you dating?"

I blinked again "What? Me and Louis? No we aren't" I wish we were "Do people think we are?"

"Most of the fandom has an opinion one way or the other"

"So this is a big thing huh? What's the majority opinion?" Louis asked cautiously

"That you're either already dating, or you should be"

"Oh" Louis looked at me.

I guess I agreed with the majority...

"I'll let you two enjoy your meal then" Nava left again.

I ate my french toast slowly, finishing long after Louis did.

"So" He said when I finished "Where do you want to go next?"

"I don't know. It's not everyday I'm in London..."

"Have you ever been to London before?"

"Twice. We came here for a day trip when I was seven, and then later I came to London to visit a friend"

"Only twice? All that traveling and you've only been here twice?"

"Yeah. What about you?"

"We come to London every six months or so to see my grandma, she has an apartment in the city"

"So you must know your way around?"

"No, not really"

"You guys want the check?" Nava asked. I hadn't seen her sneak up on us.

"Um yeah, thanks Nava" I said, she handed us the check, I paid, unsure how to tip, so I just gave her an extra twenty pounds... I had money to spare anyway, and it wasn't even mine. On second thought, I crossed out the tip, and wrote down fifty pounds in place of twenty. It was over twice the expense of the meal itself, but what did I have to lose from tipping Nava a little extra? 

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