BLEU SIDE ( 블루 사이드 )

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" The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed. "
-Carl Jung

She ran with all her might, apologizing to whoever she was bumping into. She was out of breath, her feet were starting to give in while her heart was bouncing hard as if it could burst out of her chest at any moment.

People were glaring at her, and some cursed while others simply ignored the young woman. She looked at her watch as a curse left her lips when she saw what time it was.

As she was about to turn left, she bumped really hard against someone's chest.

" I'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going. Are you okay? " She asked, not sparing a look at the person she just bumped into, but rather, gathering what just fell from her purse. As they didn't answer, the young woman decided to look up, and to her surprise, she saw a male hybrid.

He had jet black hair with red highlights. His fluffy hairs were shining in the sunlight, matching the color of his pointing ears and added glow and liveliness to his appearance.

Her eyes then moved to those deep pools of dark-chocolate that seized the depth of hundreds of untold stories. Stories that seemed to be better left untold and kept under lock and key.

But if you were to look more closely, the colors that were imprisoned in those eyes, showed the sweetness of saccharine chocolate, but the bitterness of strong coffee.

They displayed raw emotions that would reveal to you the exact thoughts that could cross inside the wonder of his ominous mind.

Her eyes lowered to his neck, she noticed he didn't have a collar like Hybrids would usually do, which only meant that he was a stray one and didn't have an owner.

The young woman then shook her head violently when she remembered the reason that she was in such a hurry.

" I'm sorry again. " Apologized Sora before she hurried up to gather her stuff and run again towards her workplace.

A few minutes later, she found herself panting with a cup of hot coffee in her hand as she had just entered the medical center where she worked in. She walked toward the elevator, and at the same time, one just opened. She hurried in then pressed the floor that She wanted to go to.

Not long after, she was in front of her office. Without much trouble, she opened the door and took her seat. She put down her drink, took off her jacket, threw her purse at the other side of the room, and gently banged her head against her desktop.

She promised herself to never wake up late again. Too much workout, she muttered to herself.

Suddenly, the young woman was disturbed by knocks on her door office. " Enter. " She responded as she straightened her back.

" Miss Lee, I gathered the file that you have asked me for yesterday." Said her intern as she gave her the file in question.

She thanked her intern and smiled back, " Good work, thank you."

" Is there anything else you want me to look into? " She asked.

" No, that will be fine, thank you, Momo. " She smiled at her, then turned to her steps to leave the young woman's office.

She looked into the file that Momo just brought to her. It was about the recent hybrids that their center rescued these past three months. Every three months, the researchers were tasked to gather data on Hybrids to make a percentage of them so that their medical center could have an idea of their way of life in society.

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