MONSTER ( 귀물 )

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" A sincere attitude of gratitude is a beatitude for secured altitudes. Appreciate what you have been given and you will be promoted higher. "
-Israelmore Ayivor

After the human treated his wound, the male hybrid went back to the room that was offered to him and laid down on the bed. He softly sighed as it was the first time in a while he felt so clean. He smelled good, his body felt warm, his hair, tail, and ears felt fluffy when he touched them. Not like they used to be before when they were dry with a lot of knots since he couldn't afford to take care of his fur.

He also noticed he had the same scent now that the human had. He couldn't deny the fact that he liked this smell.

It was a scent of flowers along with honey.

Suddenly, his nose itched as he noticed a faint smell of another hybrid in this house, particularly in this room and the clothes he was wearing. He didn't know where the other hybrid was, but knowing how territorial they were, he stayed alert.

For a hybrid having clothes of their own, food, shoes, and accessories was very significant. So the man felt uncomfortable to wear clothes that weren't his own.

And as much he felt grateful for the female that had helped him, he also felt uneasy. Not about the smell of the unknown Hybrid this time, but because he didn't want to get used to this situation. It was the first and last time that he would accept to stay at a human's home.

He knew it was already dangerous enough for him to stay at a stranger's house. A human more of it. She might have been nice to him so far, but there will be a time when she will try to use him, as any other human would do.

After all, a monster will always stay a monster, he thought.

So Yoongi promised himself that as soon as the sun rises, he will be gone.

The sound of Sora's alarm drifted her out of her sleep as she looked at her clock and read 6:30 am. She groaned and went back to sleep until she remembered that she took home a stray hybrid with her last night.

She quickly got up from her bed and did her business in the bathroom, took a real quick shower, brushed her teeth, brushed her hair, then dressed for work before she walked toward the guest room and wake up the young male in her house.

She nervously knocked on the door but heard no answer. She knocked again and again but to no avail. The young woman then decided to open the door, expecting to see the young hybrid asleep, but her expectations were soon crushed when she saw that the bed was made and there was no sign of Yoongi.

She walked toward the bed and noticed how he took the time to fold the clothes and left a note beside them.

" Thank you. " He only wrote two words, but Sora knew how important they were for a stray hybrid.

A bit sad that he left so early, she decided to speak about it with her supervisor.

On her way to the center, she stopped by the alley where she found him yesterday night, but there were no signs of him. Sora sighed and proceeded her way, wondering if she could see that man again.

" Good morning, Sora. " One of her co-workers cheerfully greeted her.

" Good morning, Wendy. " Sora greeted her back. " Do you know where I can find Lisa? She lent me her umbrella yesterday, and I would like to give it back to her. "

The woman nodded, " Yeah, sure, she is currently taking care of Jihoon, the fox hybrid in Section 2. " She informed her.

" Thank you. Have a nice day. " Gratefully smiled the young woman and went on her way to find Lisa.

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