BLUE DREAM ( 파란 꿈 )

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" Inside my blue dream, I want to contain you. Even if you say no, inside my eyes. Inside my blue dream, I want to hold you. Even if you say we can't, inside my embrace... " 
-Jung Hoseok

Several weeks had passed by since Sora had opened herself up to Yoongi. The little hybrid could see the change that occurred in her. She started to smile more, and so did he. He was happy to see her happy again, no longer hanging in the past but living in the present with him and her friends.

However, the mysterious phone call from Hoseok had always lingered in the wolf's mind. He had never told the human girl about this call, and he thought that he didn't have to.

Was it even him in the first place? He asked himself. Was it maybe just a prank? Then, why was the ID caller Popeye?

The young hybrid had so many questions in his mind, yet he was able to answer none of them.

That's why he did what he thought was necessary. He deleted his human history call, so she will never see it.

Did he have the right to do this? No.

Did he feel guilty about it? Probably.

Would he do it again? Definitely.

" Yoongi? " The wolf snapped from his thoughts as he heard a sweet voice calling up his name.

" Sora... " She was walking toward him and reached her hands out to him. An innocent smile lingered on her lips while her eyes were shining brightly as the sun was kissing her beautiful face.

" What are you doing here by yourself? Come on! The others are waiting for us! " She grabbed his hand with her small one, and without warning, she dragged him further into the forest.

A small smile appeared on his lips as the young male watched Sora's back as they were running. A big grin could still be seen on her face before she turned to face her friend and give him an eye smile.

That is so like her, he thought.

Finally, they reached their destination, and before Yoongi was able to utter anything, another man's voice was heard a few feet away from him. " Took your time. Lunch is almost ready. "

" Sorry, Jin. I was looking for Yoongi. You know him... " She explained to her friend.

He nodded, " I do. However, didn't you say that you would help me prepare lunch? " He suddenly claimed.

The young awkwardly rubbed her neck, " Ah...I know, but well- "

" No excuses. You will clean up the dishes afterward. "

" Come on, Jin. Don't be such a mood killer. " A voice suddenly interrupted the duo.

" Lisa! " Sora exclaimed.

The young woman grinned at Sora as she stood beside her and gave a sheepy look to her friend.

" And how am I being a mood killer, Lisa? Hm? "

" You don't know how to read the mood, Jin. " Exclaimed this time Jaebum as he appeared behind Jin.

The brown-haired male scoffed, " You too, Jaebum? "

Everyone laughed until Lisa mentioned to the others, " Come on, Sora, Yoongi. Lunch is ready now. "

Sora nodded her head and followed her friends inside the treehouse.

More than five years had passed already since the group of childhood friends had reunited together in the treehouse. Lisa, Jaebum, Jin, and Sora were no longer the teenagers that met together in secret in the treehouse to cover up their scars, but adults that had overcome those pains together.

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