LIE ( 거짓말 )

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" Please, don't lie to me, unless, you are sure I will never find out the truth. " 

-Ashleigh Brilliant

" Ah, Sora you are- " He paused, " Judging by your expression, he finally came to you, didn't he? "

The young woman scoffed, " So you knew?! " She angrily stepped toward her childhood friend. " How much do you know? " With her hand on her side, she corrected herself, " No, actually, since when did you know? "

" Don't get me wrong, Sora. I only met him yesterday night after he came asking some questions about Yoongi. Actually, it's partially my fault for what had happened to him. "

She frowned, " What do you mean? "

Jaebum gazed at her before a deep sigh escaped his lips, " Take a seat first. "

The woman warily stared at her friend before she took a seat in front of him. With her arms crossed, she said, " Explain. "

" Yesterday, I called you to talk about the hybrids that have gone missing around Hongdae. I suspected that Yoongi could be the next victim since his physical features were similar to the others. However, since you weren't answering your phone, I decided it was best to call Yoongi. I warned him about the case and let him go home, but I never suspected that those people would go after him so quickly. "

She took in Jaebum's words and declared, " Still, you could have told me sooner, Jaebum. You could have called me after you knew what had happened to Yoongi because, for all I know, he could not have come back home, and I wouldn't have known the reason. I get what you were trying to do with Hoseok, but this, it's not cool, Jaebum. It's about my hybrid we are talking about, about Yoongi, for god sake! "

" I get it, okay. I know I messed up. But first, tell me. How is Yoongi? How is coping up with all of this? "

She turned her eyes away, " He doesn't know. Actually, he didn't even tell me about what had happened to him yesterday. Can you believe that? That fool preferred to keep that for himself and suffer. "

" What? Why would he- "

" Hoseok. He saw Hoseok. " She stated.

Jaebum frowned, " I don't get it. Why would Hoseok has anything to- Wait, don't tell me... "

She nodded, " It looks like Yoongi has started to develop some kind of complex toward Hoseok. I only put the pieces together this morning, but the reason why he didn't say anything was that he was afraid I might replace him now that Hoseok is back. "

" ... I guess it would be a natural behavior since he lived all alone for years, and now that he found you and his home, he is scared. " He said thoughtfully, " If that's really the case, it would be best if you started to have a conversation with him. Otherwise, it could get dangerous. "

Sora agreed. She couldn't let Yoongi having those toxic thoughts. She stood up from her seat and walked toward the window behind Jaebum. The coffee shop was right in front of her.

What was Yoongi thinking right now, she wondered.

" Sora. "

She hummed before she faced back Jaebum.

" How did it go, with Hoseok? " He carefully asked.

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