WALK ON MEMORIES ( 기억을 걷는 밤 )

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" I pass through the tunnel of time I spent longing for you. And was given another chance to return to you. You're just like you are in my memories. Both your lovely voice and your eyes like dawn. "
- Exo

Lee Jaebum...!

His dark eyes enlarged at the sight of Hoseok before a frown appeared on his delicate face. For a split second, he seemed to be glaring at the dark-haired man but quickly managed to hide his expression.

And unexpectedly, Jaebum's first question was, " So, who is the hybrid you are referring to? "

It was hard for the detective to decipher Jaebum's thoughts. It has always been troublesome for him to understand him. He always knew how to hide his emotions and keep his calm no matter how difficult the situation could be.

Suddenly, Hoseok felt a pinch on his arm. He turned his head to his right and saw Minseok giving him a look, as to ask him, " Why aren't you talking? " The detective shook his head and turned to face back Jaebum.

" ...The hybrid that came to see you earlier was almost kidnapped in an alley near the Center. We are currently looking for him as he ran away and couldn't take his testimony about his kidnappers. He is a victim and a witness for our investigation. Could you please give us his contact information? "

The detectives heard Jaebum's heavy sigh and muttered in annoyance, " I told him to be careful... "

Minseok, who peeked that mutter, asked, " You knew he could be a potential victim to those kidnappers? Why haven't you notified us of his existence? You have sent us all the files of all the hybrids you have welcomed in the Center this past year that corresponds to the description we have given you, yet we don't have him in our data. "

Jaebum exhaled, " ... That is because he doesn't exactly correspond to the description of the past victims. "

Both detectives frowned before they shared a look and turned to ask, " He perfectly corresponds. Same height, color, breed- "

Jaebum quickly cut them off, " Yoongi isn't from a dog breed. He is a pure black wolf hybrid. "

Their eyes enlarged in surprise, mouth open. Hoseok looked at Minseok, and his expression was the same as his.

" But I thought- "

" Yeah, pure black wolf hybrids can only be found in the far East South of Korea, in regions like Cheongdo, Geochang, Gyeongju, or even Daegu. He is from there, but due to some personal circumstances, he said he came to Seoul. That's all I can tell you. "

The detectives nodded their heads in understanding until Hoseok asked, " Can you give us the number of his owner and his address then? We would like to question him and ask for his cooperation with our investigations. "

Jaebum stared at the man for a second before he grabbed a pen and a sheet of paper.

" Do you know the address and phone number of all the owners of every hybrid by heart? " Minseok pointed out.

" No, I'm simply close with this one since she also works with us. " He plainly replied. " Here. "

He slid the sheet of paper in front of them, and Hoseok grabbed it in his hand. He calmly read the address, but when it came to the phone number, his heart sunk.

" What is the meaning of this? Why is her- "

" That's the phone number of the owner like you had asked. "

Minseok took the note from his partner's hand and stood up, " Thank you for your time. Let's go, Ho- "

" Just go ahead. "

[ LIFE IS ECSTASY ] + m.ygΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα