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( noun ) A lover of rain, someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days. 

Three weeks passed since Sora met that hybrid. She got a glimpse of him a few times, but she never had an actual occasion talk to him. However, last week, on a rainy day, when the young woman was on her way to get home. She saw him. He was hiding from the rain. She also noticed that he would almost always wear the same clothes that weren't made for a cold day like that.

For the first time, she approached him.

He hasn't noticed her presence since he was too focused on keeping himself warm and out of the rain. He was sitting, his head on his knees, Sora could see him shivering. She walked toward him with muted steps and bend down to his level to position her umbrella in a sort of to block it with a bunch of cardboard.

The noise made him flinch, and finally, notice her presence. A feeling of panic seemed to take over him as he pushed her hands away, making her fall her umbrella and ran further into the dark alley.

The young woman was left in a confused state since everything happened way too fast for her. She took back her umbrella in her hand and sighed at her failure to help the hybrid. Yet, she didn't lose hope since she was sure that she would meet him again.

The next day, Sora tried to talk about that hybrid to her supervisor, Namjoon, and ask him for some advice on how she could help the young hybrid in question. The man immediately advised her that she should leave him some time and that she shouldn't be too pushy. She had to earn his trust first since stray hybrids were used to live alone and live a tough life.

It was very hard for a stray hybrid to live out of the street since they are usually very territorial beings, and so that would mean they would usually get into fights to protect their territory.

Since they had no owner, it was also hard for them to get a job, they were discriminated against since some were hybrids that didn't want to apply to the rules and wanted to have their own freedom. Which was very understandable for Sora, but not for everyone.

Stray Hybrids were, after all, Hybrids that were either denying the rules of society, or they were simply rejected and left out on the streets by their owners.

A week had passed since that incident between S and that mysterious hybrid happened. Sora was actually getting worried since the days were getting colder, and winter was getting nearer. She was hoping he was dressing warmly but knowing how he was dressing himself the past three weeks, she doubted he had any warm clothes.

Sora was currently working in her office until Taehyung barked in with his boxy smile.

" Sora !! Guess what ?! " He asked in excitement.

Being used to his overwhelming excitement, she calmly asked back, " What? "

" I helped a cat hybrid today! " He exclaimed.

She fully turned her body to him, " How so? " Taehyung walked toward her and sat down beside her seat, his hands on her thighs, he stared at her with his shiny puppy eyes.

" I was working with the Rescue team to find any hybrid that was in the needs. Thanks to my super hearing, I heard the cry of a cat. He was hiding under a car. I told the team what I heard, and we found him. He was scared at first, but since I was here and encouraged him, he easily relaxed and let us help him. " He explained.

" Really? Good job, Taehyung. " Sora stroked his ears and earned a moan from him as his tail wiggled.

But then he frowned, " But, you know Sora. That cat breed is only a kid. He is only twelve years old, yet he was ditched by his own family. It wasn't even human fault this time but other hybrids... "

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