TRAP ( 함정 )

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" We all live in a house on fire, no fire department to call; no way out, just the upstairs window to look out of while the fire burns the house down with us trapped, locked in it. "

-Tennessee Williams

The way his fingers would move so swiftly bough amazement to his observer. The sound of his thin fingers tapping on the keyboard echoed in the room while groanings would escape the man's lips as his eyes narrowed on the screen before him. Like a final touch, the man tapped on the enter key and quickly laid his dark orbs back on the bigger screen hanging on the wall.

" This is where he was last seen. " Stated Youngjae.

All eyes focused on the images rolling in front of them, trying to comprehend the situation the hybrid put himself in before a gasp escaped from the sole woman in the room.

" Yoongi... "

" These images were captured at a traffic light near your house. " Noted the blond-haired man.

Sora's eyes wavered before she asked, " Can you track this car to know where Yoongi was drove to? "

The man nodded, " Already tried. The last image I could find was at Songpa-gu. I need time more time to obtain more information, though. "

" Good job, Youngjae. " Praised their team leader.

The middle-aged man then turned his eyes back to Sora, " I know we asked you this question already, but do you really not know why he left like that? "

"... Rather than that, can you tell me more about the plan that you never shared with me? " The woman glanced at Hoseok and stated, " I heard you on the phone talking about a plan that had failed. Care to share what this is about? "

As the raven-haired man was about to explain himself, their team leader, Mr. Shin stated instead, " That was a mistake on our part. We should have paid more attention and reported to you the situation sooner. " He slightly lowered his head toward the woman to express his regret.

" Yesterday, one of my officers reported to me that a strange accident happened between your hybrid and a customer. Min Yoongi justified this accident by explaining that the customer had paid him less and left. However, we suspected that something more had happened. " His eyes then laid on each member of his team. " We suspected that Song Hyejin had found a way to come in contact with your hybrid, so we decided to elaborate a plan. "

" Wait- You knew this was going to happen?! "

Her eyes traveled at the raven-haired male and scowled, " You knew? " The waver in his eyes made her assume he did. " Ah~ That's why you suddenly called me last night and wanted to go to the treehouse today... "

" Ms. Lee, please do not bear any hard feelings against my subordinates. This plan was mine, and they merely followed my directions- "

" Who told you to do that? "

The detective paused and stared at the woman, " Pardon? "

" On whose command did you decide to put a hybrid in danger without letting their family know? "

Sora walked toward the team leader and frowned, " Because I certainly do not remember giving you and this team this freedom to deal with my hybrid. Your job was to simply keep an eye on him and keep him safe! Allow me to know if anything is to happen to him, but nothing more! "

" Wait, Sora- "

The man held his hand out to stop Hoseok from intervening, " Miss Lee is right. " He took a step back and bowed to her. " I apologized for my incompetence as a detective and as a team leader of this case. "

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