HER ( 그녀 )

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" Found you when your heart was broke. I filled your cup until it overflowed. Took it so far to keep you close. I was afraid to leave you on your own. "
- Halsey

" Hello... "

This person's voice sounded somewhat familiar to Sora, but she couldn't tell from where.

" Might I ask for your name? "

The voice quickly replied, " I'm Song Hyejin, daughter of Song Hyunji, CEO of Rose Cosmetic. "

Sora knew why her voice sounded so familiar to her now. Song Hyejin, not only was she the daughter of the CEO of Rose Cosmetic, but also a famous model. She was only 25 years old and is said to be the next CEO of Rose Cosmetic next year. Her face appeared almost every day on the TV and in magazines.

But that wasn't only it.

" And how might I help you? "

" I would like to meet up with you if that's possible? "

The line grew silent before Sora asked, " And what might the daughter of a CEO want with me? "

"... I wish to speak with you on a subject that both concern us. " Declared the woman.

" How can a mere researcher like me have anything in common with you, Ms. Hyejin? " Questioned Sora.

" We can talk about this around a coffee. I will call you again and tell you when I'm free. "

" Wai- " She hung up.

Sora sighed, " So, the show is already starting, huh? "

What a pain, she thought.

" Song Hyejin... " She muttered.

Sora looked down at the drawer of her desk and opened it only to take out a flyer of a missing hybrid in Daegu. She guessed it was to be expected. After all, the Song family were the previous owners of Min Yoongi. But honestly, she didn't expect them to find him this fast.

" ...What should I do next? " She pocked at the picture of the missing report of a younger version of Yoongi and smirked. " You worked so hard to get back your freedom, and I can't just let them take it away from you now, can I? "

She put the flyer back in the drawer and got up from her seat. She walked toward the window that had a great view over the coffee shop that Yoongi has been working in for a few months already. As her fingers brushed against her plump lips, she was contemplating her next move.

It might sounds cliché, but knowing how powerful families overuse their richness and connections to get hybrids legally or illegally, Song Hyejin will most probably make a trade with Sora.

For how long had they their eyes on her and Yoongi, she wondered.

Either way, the young woman should pay more attention to her surroundings now that they found him. No matter how much of a good reputation the Song family had on the country, it would never change the fact that powerful families like theirs will most likely use dirty tricks to reach out to hybrids, like Yoongi.

Sora didn't have the time to get upset over this. She looked over her desk and saw the file that Momo had bought for her earlier. " I have work to do... " She said as she walked over to her seat and started working again.

A few hours went by, and before the young woman even notice, it was 6pm already. She turned off her laptop, unplugged her USB, put her things away, and waved back at her coworkers on her way out of the Center.

Finally, outside, she gazed over the coffee shop and walked over it. Yoongi was going to end his shift in less than an hour, and Sora thought it would be best for them to go home together.

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