AGAIN ( 다시 )

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 " This Déja vu is unwelcomed, it distresses me. " 
-Stray Kids

As the nightfall bought coldness on the land, his dark eyes gazed over the road in wonder. The man drove aimlessly around the city night, searching for an answer that he would not so easily obtain.

It had been three years since the man has been working for the Federal Protection of Hybrids, and he had investigated all kinds of cases. Yet this investigation was the most tactful.

Who were they looking for?

The organization they have been hunting down for a year now has been strangely active these past few months. They moved from Daegu to Hongdae for a reason, but what was it?

The detective gazed at the file that was lying on the seat next to him.

" They are obviously looking for someone specific... " He spoke his thoughts out loud.

The man ticked his tongue in annoyance before an idea popped into his head. He decided to turn around and drive toward the Center. His guts were telling him that something was off. He was missing something, something important.

He stepped on the gas, direction Hongdae Center.

The dark-haired man quickly parked in front of the Center and got out of his car. However, as soon as he was about to step inside, he noticed a young male leaving. A hybrid with a black leathered collar decorating his neck with black pants, a white shirt, and a black leathered jacket.

He had jet black hair, but with the street light, he could see some red highlights in his hair.

Was he a dog hybrid? He questioned.

His eyes kept following him, " I thought they didn't find any new rescue this past few weeks, and I don't remember him from the list of the hybrids they gave us. "

He tilted his head as he had mixed feelings about all of this. His eyes fell back on the Center's entrance, then turned back at the hybrid.

The dark-haired detective smirked as he made his choice, " A small tailing wouldn't hurt, right? "

Without making himself obvious, he started following the hybrid. He tried to leave enough space between them so the male hybrid wouldn't smell him nor feel his presence behind him. After a few minutes of tailing, the man saw him taking a dark path to his right. He decided to wait a bit before following him, but then, he saw a suspicious van stopping in front of the alley that the hybrid just took.

Five men got out of the black van and started walking inside the dark alley.

" What the heck is happening? "

He walked toward the alley and hide behind the wall. He saw the hybrid getting surrounded by five hooded men and noticed that they were all holding Electronic Firing Guns.

The man scoffed, " Even for a hybrid, he can't take all of them out. "

As if the hybrid heard him, the young male charged toward one of the armed men and punched him in the stomach. It took the others by surprise and took it as an opportunity to take three more down.

" Shit! " He failed to notice the fifth one behind him and got shot with the EFG.

The detective was about to take his gun out and intervene, but he noticed that it wasn't there. He cursed in his head for being so careless. He then ran toward his car without looking back, hoping to come back in time.

When he found it, he immediately ran back toward the alley and saw the young hybrid laying on the floor while two of the men were arguing.

" This is the police! Put your weapons down and hands up! " He screamed while pointing his gun at them.

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