SEESAW (시소 )

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" Friendship- my definition- is built on two things. Respect and trust. Both elements have to be there. And it has to be mutual. You can have respect for someone, but if you don't have trust, the friendship will crumble. "
-Stieg Larsson

Leisurely and reluctantly, Sora uncovered her face from the white sheets. Streaks of sunlight penetrated the window and blinded her. She blinked, closed her eyes, and blinked again to use herself to the daylight. She then turned around away from the sunlight, but her face met a solid structure. Hard, but warm.

A sudden grumble came out of the hard surface, and fear took over the young woman as she immediately opened her eyes and sat up.

A body was covered by the sheet, so Sora wasn't able to see the stranger's face. Slowly, her hand traveled from her chest to that person's face and uncovered the sheet. She sighed in relief when she saw it was only her little Labrador friend, Taehyung. He suddenly frowned and mumbled some incoherent words.

" What? " She whispered as she approached her face to his.

" The light... " His voice was deep yet charming. He had that rich, silky tone.

Sora chuckled before she dragged her feet off the bed and rubbed her knuckles against her eyes. She stretched her arms above her head and yawned. Then, she got up to close the curtains but frowned because only now she noticed that she had actually shared her bed along with Taehyung and couldn't remember what had happened yesterday night when she had dozen off.

Then it's clicked. The other hybrid, Yoongi, was he still here?

" Taehyung? " She shook the mean. " Taetae. " He whined and spoke some incoherent words again. " Tae, what happened yesterday when I fell asleep? Is Yoongi still here? "

"... Who ? " He asked half-asleep.

She sighed, " That wolf hybrid that I invited to stay yesterday. "

" Oh...He is sleeping in my room...Now let me sleep too. " He said as he covered his face with her blanket.

Sora then walked to the bathroom and took a quick shower. She thought that since it was the weekend, she could take Taehyung out along with Yoongi. She knew the wolf hybrid needed new clothes and such thing as a teeth brush and a brush for his tail.

After she was done and all dressed up, she quietly exited the bathroom and then her room without waking up Taehyung. She then went to check if Yoongi was really sleeping in Taehyung's room. She was afraid to find him gone like last time.

She stood in front of the room, and slowly she turned the door handle, trying to make as little noise as possible since Hybrids were very sensitive to noises. She peaked her head inside, and to her relief, he was still here, sleeping soundly like a baby. The wolf hybrid was sleeping while clutching tightly, the sheets in his hand as the tail covered his waist. She then slowly closed the door and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for the two hybrids.

After a while, as the smell of bacon became stronger, Sora heard someone coming down the stairs. She was startled to see Yoongi peeking his head inside the kitchen. He looked around, but his eyes were focused on the bacon Sora was preparing.

" Good morning, Yoongi. Breakfast will be ready soon. " She said as she was cutting some tomato to make a salad.

He nodded, " ...Good morning, Sora. "

The young woman smiled at the sound of her name rolling in his tongue and his deep morning voice.

" Do you know if Taehyung woke up yet? " She asked him.

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