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" There's the right person, or right people, for each other. There is that order that's searching to be found but, I think, it's not as if everything is going to be automatic. So, people could really be meant for each other and its goes awry; or they could have to learn or develop and grow up together. Grow to be right together. "

-Whit Stillman

One of Sora's colleagues needed a file that she was working on, but the young woman forgot it at home. She left Jihoon with Taehyung, the time to get home and fetch the documents, so the little fox wouldn't feel lonely.

She turned the keys and pushed the door of her house, and was surprised not to see Yoongi. Usually, he would come to greet her when she gets back home, but then she thought he was still asleep. She went upstairs and looked for the documents, then as she walked past the guest room, she noticed the door of the room was wide open.

" Weird, he usually keeps it close. " Sora peeped her head inside and scanned the room, but he was nowhere to be seen. " Yoongi. Yoongi? Yoongi, where are you? I'm home, wolfie. Where are you? "

The young woman looked all around the house, but he was nowhere to be seen. She didn't understand. His stuff was still in the room, he ate his breakfast. Just where did he go?

" Yoongi, it's not fun. Where are you? "

Did he go to take a walk? Was he bored to stay inside the house every day? She sighed. Well, his things were still in the room, so he didn't leave. Yet, Sora was troubled. Yoongi didn't have anything that proved he had an owner or a family, so where could he have gone?

Numerous scenarios started to play inside her head.

Was he caught by some bad people? Is he maybe fighting another stray hybrid like last time? Before she started having a panic attack, Sora started to do some breathing techniques to calm herself down.

" Okay, let's be rational. Yoongi couldn't just leave without notifying me, moreover just leaving his stuff behind. So, he might have gone for a walk, maybe not too far from here. Where could he have gone? " She groaned. " If only I could call him. Seriously, I have to buy him a phone. It will be problematic this way without one. "

Sora took the documents she needed, and before going back to work, she decided to look for Yoongi around the park near the house.

She looked around the park, calling out his name, stopping people sometimes, and described him and asked them if they saw him, but none did.

The young woman was getting quite worried now.

Did something really happen to him? What should she do? He couldn't disappear, just like that.

She decided to look for him inside the house again in case he got back home. Honestly, she felt like she was looking for a cat who just ran away from home except that instead of a cat, it was a grown-ass hybrid wolf.

" Yoongi? Are you home? Wolfie, where are you? " She called him over and over, but she couldn't find him anywhere.

She has been looking for him for an hour already, and she was late for work. She thought about asking for help from the Center, but it was too soon, and he wasn't even registered to her.

The young woman crouched down on the ground, thinking of away. She couldn't simply go back to work when Yoongi was missing. He was more important. Even though she got to know him for only a week, she had already grown attached to him.

" Yoongi... "

" Sora? " The woman in question immediately turned her head toward the owner of the voice.

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