When You Need Them

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Jeff & Liu

You tried opening your eyes but due to the frightens of the room, your eyes were squinted. However, even through your squinted eyes, you could make out three faceless beings surrounding you. And before you could process anything, a tentacle was being tied around your neck, beginning to choke you.

"B... boss.." you struggled to say as you could feel your airway shutting, your eyes glossy due to the lack of oxygen in your system.

You tried clawing at the black tentacle wrapped around your neck as your vision began to get spotty. By now, tears had began to poor down your face, but as soon as Splendor walked through the big door located on the side of the room, you no longer felt sad.

You were happy. Happy even though you were on the brink of death.


"Where the hell is that bitch?" Jeff shouted at Liu, knowing he wouldn't get an answer as Liu was asking the same thing.

The two sat down for a minute, trying to calm down before they did anything irrational. Then it hit them, tonight was her day for patrol. So she had to be in the woods, right?

Jeff had decided to go on the route alone, having Liu stay at the mansion in case you had come back, but before he could even make it to the middle of the trail, he noticed what seemed to be a flower and glitter on the floor.

And just like that, a light bulb went off.

Ticci Toby

You had woke up to find yourself tied to a pole. Whoever kidnapped you had made sure that you weren't able to use your hands.

"Fuck." You muttered, trying to free yourself from the rope restraining you. However, as you were struggling, you failed to notice someone enter the room. Well, you didn't notice, until you were slapped across the face.

"What the f—" you began, until the hooded figure interrupted you.

"You deserve to pay, demon!" Based on the voice, you had assumed that it was a female underneath that hood.

"Uh... do I know you?" You asked, trying to think of all the people who might want to seek revenge on you.

Instead of answering your question the lady pulled down the hood, revealing her face. She had reminded you of Joey in some way, then it hit you, that must be his mother.

"My poor baby is gone because of you!" She shouted, moving closer to you, to yank your hair, straining your neck in the process.

"He's the one that cheated on me..." you spoke calmly, not caring that she could kill you at any chance she got.

"You little bitch!" She screamed again, slamming your head against the pole repeatedly, "my boy never loved you!"

"Then why did he date me?" You asked aloud, not caring that there was now blood leaking down your face.

Meanwhile, Toby had been searching all over the mansion for you, he had wanted to see if you wanted to go hunting with him.

"W... where are y.. you (y/n)?" He said before entering your bedroom to see your bed a mess: pieces of waffle all over your sheet, tv still playing, and sheets on the floor.

This was the last place he could think of, so something had to have happened to you.

Eyeless Jack

The first thing that caught your eye as soon as you woke up was the fireplace to your left. You then looked around and guessed that you were in a dungeon of some sort.

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