Part 2

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Part 2

I woke up to a new world, well more like a new bedroom, which was enough to have me freaking out. Where was I? Who brought me here? What happened? I looked around the unfamiliar gold walls and shimmery curtains that allowed sunlight to filter through with confusion and panic, trying to remember how I ended up here.

And then it hit me with a force of a tornado. The dance, the gunshots, the screaming, me looking for my grandmother but failed to do so; it all came back to me and for a second I couldn't breathe. This couldn't be real. Please God, do not let it be real, I thought, however, the golden walls and the heavy wooden furniture told me that no amount of prayers would change my reality.

With my eyes on the door, I forced myself to get out of bed and go over to it while scratching my wrist and ignoring the wave of vertigo that nearly had me tumbling down. I had to get out of here. Whoever kidnapped got the wrong person because I did nothing that would warrant a kidnapping.

Just as I reached the door, it opened and in entered a maid who looked to be in her late twenties with auburn hair and brown eyes, wearing a pale blue uniform. She eyed me with confusion as if she was seeing me for the first time. Perhaps she was, I didn't know because I had no idea where I was.

"Ciao. Come ti senti ora? Non dovresti essere fuori dal letto così presto," she said. (Hello. How do you feel now? You should not be out of bed so soon)

Who was she to tell me to stay in bed and not move around? "Ho bisogno di andare a casa. Per favore, mostrami la porta díngresso," I replied. This was clearly a mistake; I did not belong here. (I need to go home. Please show me the front door)

The woman shook her head. "Non posso fare nulla senza il permesso del capo. Devi restare qui finche non ti permitte di andartene." (I cannot do anything without the permission of the boss. You must stay here until he allows you to leave)

I released a sharp breath; I had to do something to get out of here. Did this woman not realize that I was not supposed to be here? And who was this boss she spoke of? Was he responsible for my kidnapping? If so then why was he not here?

Looking into the woman's brown eyes I tried to think of a way to escape from here. The door was open; the only obstacle standing in my way was this woman. I gave her a once over to see whether she would be able to fight me or worse, overpower me. This woman was towards the curvy side while I had a dancer's body, which meant I could slip past her and get out of here. Yes, I could do that but first I needed a diversion.

My eyes darted left and right as I tried to come up with a way to escape this strange woman. Perhaps I could tackle her to the floor and run out of the room, or maybe I could make an excuse and send her to the bathroom. The second idea seemed better because I did not want to hurt an innocent soul; those monster at the dance performance had already hurt plenty of innocents and I did not wish to be like them.

"Perche ti stai graffiando?" She asked with a frown. (Why are you scratching yourself?)

I looked down at my wrist to see I've scratched hard enough to draw blood. Cavolli! I needed to get this habit under control, there were scratch marks all over my wrists and it became difficult to explain people at times why I had scars on my wrists. They seldom believed me when I'd tell them I scratched my wrists whenever I was nervous.

"Merda, sta sanguinando. Puoi portarmi un panno bagnato?" This was the perfect diversion. (Shit, it's bleeding. Can you get me a wet cloth?)

The lady shook her head but did as requested and walked over to what I assumed was the bathroom. Once she was out of sight, I darted out of the room, my sole focus on finding the front door and getting the hell out of here. I needed to go to my grandmother, God knows what happened to her during the shooting. I hoped she was alright; I wouldn't be able to live with myself if something happened to her.

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