Part 27

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Part 27

"Nat—Nata—Natasha is your cou—cousin?" This was impossible, maybe I had traveled to an alternate universe because in the real world this just could not be possible. I mean, Renzo had a sister and apparently Natasha was his cousin. If she was his cousin, then why was he treating her like the enemy?

"Of course. Did Ren tell you nothing?" The woman looked disappointed. If Renzo did not tell me about her, then I was sure he had good reason for it. Maybe he didn't tell me because he didn't trust me.

"No. He didn't. What is your name?" I asked, wanting to change the subject. I didn't understand why, but it kind of hurt knowing he didn't bother sharing such basic information with me. I knew I had no right to feel this way, considering both of us spent time riling each other up, waiting to see who would crack first, but still it stung.

"My name is Malia, and it's okay if Ren didn't tell you about us. I know all about you, so you don't need to worry about anything." What in the world was she talking about? "By the way, were you trying to run away?"

Stones piled up in my throat as I thought about how to answer her. Should I tell her the truth? No, if I did, then she would tell Renzo and he would torture me until I begged for mercy. But what other excuse could I make?

"Your silence tells me the answer to my question is a definite yes. Care to tell me why you were running from my brother?" Malia enquired.

"I don't see how that is any of your business," I snapped, crossing my arms in front of my chest, defensively.

"It is my business because I just might be able to help you. When Renzo is going to find out that you ran away, how do you think he'll react? My brother has always been possessive about his things and people. And if he ever misplaced any of his toys as a kid, boy oh boy, the entire house had to endure the intensity of his wrath. So, if you give me a plausible reason as to what you were doing outside his home, I might just be able to help you out of enduring his wrath. And something tells me you have already experienced his anger, which means you don't want to face it again, am I right?" She spoke as if she knew everything about me. Did Renzo really tell her everything or was she spying on her brother?

"What do you want from me?" Confiding in her would be equal to making myself vulnerable, and my heart was not comfortable in her presence. There was something off about this woman and no matter how trustworthy she appeared to be, I had to keep my guard up.

Malia shrugged. "Nothing. I already have everything I need." Her eyes shimmered with dark intent and I wondered if running away from Renzo was the best idea or not. Why did she have to capture me?

"Do you know why Renzo captured Natasha?" I asked her, hoping she would tell me that I should not worry about him hurting her. Why would Renzo hurt his family anyway?

"Of course I do, but I'm afraid I cannot tell you. Renzo should be the one to tell you," she replied.

I didn't know why but I had the strongest urge to slap her. What was it about this woman that made me so violent? I never even had this strong an urge to beat Renzo. I had to get away from this woman as soon as possible. She was evil.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked her, watching trees pass me by in a blur. Was it possible for me to jump out of this car? I had been living with Renzo for a long time, I should be daring enough to do this. If I allowed fear to take over me, then death wouldn't hesitate to take me from this world, and I did not run from Renzo just to die. I wanted to see my grandmother and see her I would.

"You'll see. Why don't you sit back and relax, you seem tense?" she suggested.

"I'm not supposed to be here. I have to go back to Florence," I muttered but unfortunately Malia heard me.

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