Part 33

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Part 33

There could have been a lot of prisoners that could've escaped. Renzo had a lot of prisoners, anyone could've escaped, but no, it had to be Natasha. Out of all the prisoners that could've escaped, why did it have to be the one who was not supposed to escape?

"How could this have happened?" Renzo asked, pacing the hallway as I stood watching him, wondering how I could help him.

"Do you want me to tell you?" I offered. I knew if I told him what I was thinking then he would be furious, so I had to tread carefully.

"The cameras were supposed to be watching her. But there is no cctv footage of that time. Somebody went in and deleted the footage!" He growled, causing me to flinch. I never realized he could be this angry. I thought his anger towards me was the limit, but this was a whole new level his fury had taken. And man did I feel sorry for the one at whom it was directed at.

It was obvious that Natasha had planned the entire thing, there was no other explanation for it. However, how did she manage to pull it off in a house full of enemies, that's what I was wondering. Because I was not able to so much as take a step outside without having ten guards watching my every move, so how could she have done? I had to learn a lot from Natasha, that much I knew now.

"Capo, giuro che non so come sia successo. Sono andato solo a vederla e ho trovato la sua cella vuota," the maid said, tears streaming down her face as she stood before Renzo, trembling. I bit my lip as I worried about what he would do to her. (Boss, I swear I do not know how this happened. I only went to see her and I found her cell empty)

"E non hai idea di dove sia andata? Lei non ha lasciato alcun indizio?" He asked, pacing back and forth. If he kept this up, I was afraid his footsteps would burn through the marble tiles of the floor. (And you have no idea where she went? She did not leave any clue?)

The maid—whatever her name was, blue, green, yellow, red, I did not know—shook her head. "No. Prometto che non ho visto niente. Non c'era idea. Puoi controllare, capo." (No. I promise I did not see anything. There was no clue. You can check, boss)

Renzo released an audible sigh but the fury in his eyes remained burning. I might've been pretending that I was okay with all this, but the truth was, I wasn't. Natasha lied to me and had ran off; I wanted revenge just as much as Renzo did. But the problem was, I never took revenge from anyone in my life, so I did not know how to do it. Nevertheless, I would do it. I would follow through with what I said about tearing her from limb from limb, I just did not know how.

"Vai a dire a tutte le guardie di venire e stare in giardino. Verrò a parlare con loro tra venti minuti," he ordered the maid. (Go and tell all the guards to come and stand in the garden. I will come and talk to them in twenty minutes)

"Si Capo. Subito, capo," the maid muttered before bowing deeply and scurrying out of sight. (Yes boss. Right away, boss)

"What are you going to do? Question each and every one until they give you the information?" I asked, still wary of the fact that he could very well choose to lash out at me. But I had to know what was going on in his mind, so talking was the only option.

"No, sugarplum, not yet. I will do so after twenty minutes." I was surprised how tender the nickname sounded coming from his lips when he burning with rage on the inside. Thinking of Renzo as a tender man would make people think that I was crazy, but it was what it was; I could no longer run from the truth.

I frowned. "Then what will you do?"

"As far as I know my devious family, they are a bunch of show offs," he said, running his fingers through his hair as he took a deep breath. As I eyed him from head to toe, I had to admit it, observing Renzo was quickly becoming my new favorite hobby. There was something so unique about him, that one could not help but be attracted to him. If that was how he kept the law in his hold, then it was something I needed to keep in mind because I could use this against him if the time ever came.

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