Part 19

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Part 19

That evil son of a bitch! He tricked me. I thought I would take over his mind by kissing him and clouding his judgement so he would finally submit to me, but this evil freak ended up stealing three kisses and now had a knife to my throat. I should seriously keep a knife in my hand, so I could surprise him as well.

"Good. Next time, you would do well to remember the fact that you can never trick me," Renzo hissed in my ear.

"I will never stop trying. I knew I had you when I allowed you to kiss me. Sooner or later you will break," I said with conviction. I would make him pay for tricking me like this. I really thought he had changed and would no longer torture me. But I was an idiot to think like this and lower my guard around him. I would make sure it didn't happen in the future.

"You will never win, sugarplum. I know everything there is to know about you. Any move you make, I'll always be two moves ahead," he replied, his words sliding down my back like a dark caress.

I wanted to laugh, I really did. His arrogance would be his downfall, and I would enjoy burning him and watch him turn to ash. He thought he held all the power but I would prove him wrong. One kiss meant nothing in the grand scheme of things. If he thought he could manipulate me by kissing me, then he didn't know me at all.

"Now, tell me where Natasha is in Naples. And by the way, we will be going to Naples tomorrow and getting this Borroni mess over with. You will cooperate from now on and if you fail to do so, we both know what will happen," he said, finally letting go of me and pocketing the knife.

I couldn't believe this. How could I have been so stupid? Renzo was kind to me for all of two seconds and I totally forgot that he was a first grade jerk? What was I thinking? He pierced my belly button, nearly had me killed by his precious rats and threatened to break my legs all because I refused to cooperate with him.

You really sure you can resist his kisses?

My own subconscious was doubting me, it meant I had truly fucked up. But, no worries, because I could fix this. I would prove to Renzo that he was wrong to assume that he had defeated me, but I had to be subtle about it. If he realized that he hadn't broken me, then he would begin a torture session for me and I could not afford to suffer anymore. No, I had to be smart and pretend as if his kisses have changed me.

"You only asked me for a location and I gave that to you. My heart says that she is in Naples; I don't know the bloody specifics," I snarled.

"Well, this just makes me wonder why I am even keeping you alive." He bit out as if he was paying me a hefty amount and I was not doing my job right. I really wanted to remove my shoe and throw it at him. I wonder if any of his employees were working for him out of their own free will because I would never willingly work for a man like him.

"And it makes me wonder why your employees haven't devised a plan and killed you already. You are such a terrible boss, I pity anyone who works for you," I snapped, wondering how to get out of here. Was it still possible for me to escape? Maybe I could disguise myself as one of his maid and make a quick getaway. I no longer had the strength to endure his presence.

Giving up so soon?

It was not about giving up. Why would I give up fighting against a man like him? However, he had bruised my ego and I wanted some time to lick my wounds in private.

"You should pity your grandmother, because if you don't shut up with your crap, then you will hear her last screams," he warned, his eyes hard, containing the world's evils inside them.

Instead of letting fear cloud my senses, I took a step in his direction. "Do you ever fight a fair fight, or are you just a big bully who goes around targeting people's weaknesses because he is too weak to fight?"

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