Part 30

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Part 30

I was looking out of the window, seeing that night had fallen and I was nowhere near to being free. However, worry for Natasha kept eating at me because Renzo had been gone a long time and I could hear no sounds outside of the bedroom. Had he killed her? Or had Severin tortured her into unconsciousness?

A frowned appeared, betraying my confusion when the door opened and Severin walked in, looking like the devil I knew him to be. I thought Renzo was dangerous but I had been able to reel him in with my seduction skills, however, I doubted anybody had the power to control Severin, much less make him smile.

"I see you are still breathing," he commented, his golden eyes hard.

I rolled my eyes. "And I see your heart is still beating. What a waste of organs."

Severin smirked. "How are your arms?"

That got a glare from me. I had lost feeling in both my arms a long time ago and now felt like I had no arms to begin with.

"Why are you here?" I snapped.

"Oh, touchy, are we? What's the matter, did Renzo not fuck you and that is why you are cranky?" If I had my arms in my control I would've slapped him for that comment.

"Get the fuck out of this room," I snarled. Had Renzo told him what we did? But no, why would he? That stuff was private; he had no right to tell anybody else, especially a jerk like Severin.

"Like I am going to waste my time listening to you," he muttered before bending down and touching the rope which was tied around the bedpost while the other end was tied around my wrists.

"What do you think you are doing?" I watched as he untied the rope from both ends, freeing me. I winced as blood rushed back to my wrists, feeling like needles pricking me. Thank the Lord I had my arms back. "Thank you."

"Don't thank me. Renzo told me to do it. Maybe a make out session wasn't enough for him and he wants more." He grinned.

My eyes narrowed. "What exactly did he tell you?"

"Women are not the only one who talk." With a wicked gleam in his unusual eyes, Severin stood up and sauntered out of the room, leaving me furious and bewildered.

How dare he? How dare he tell Severin what happened between us? I would make him pay for this. Renzo should know that what we do in the bedroom should remain between us and I didn't care if I was stealing precious gossip time from him. I needed to have a serious talk with him, and I was not giving him my body until he apologized for all that he did to me in the past, and I did not care how hot he was or how hot he got me.

Getting out of bed, the first thing I did was rush to the bathroom to take a nice, long shower. I stole his polo shirt and a pair of shorts because I did not have any clothes of my own and I did not want to touch the ones Renzo had ordered for me, I was too angry with him to wear those right now.

Once I was showered and clean, I decided to go and talk to Renzo; if I didn't talk to him right now, this whole thing would keep weighing on my mind and I did not have time for it. There was a lot I had to do now that I had some idea about what was going on with Renzo and his twisted family.

However, as soon as I stepped out of the room, I realized that I had no idea where to go. I had no idea where his study was, which meant it would take me forever to find it in this grand mansion.

But you must try to find it, at least.

My inner voice was right, I had to at least find it. Perhaps I should start looking from the basement and make my way up, that way I would be sure not to overlook any floor, as this place had a lot of rooms and a lot of floors.

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