Part 17

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Part 17

"Alright, what do you think I should do?" I asked. It would be better if I pretended to be compliant, in order to get him to trust me and tell me more about Kelsey so I could hurt her.

Helping Renzo find Natasha and destroying the Borronis would mean I would get a chance to get out of this gigantic mansion. It had been so long since I got the chance to go out and breathe in some fresh air. I was getting tired of staying inside and not have anything to do except to endure one torture after the other at the hands of my captor.

"Tomorrow, you will go out and search for Natasha. Since you know her, you would also know where she is most likely to hide. I want you to spend this day thinking about every possible place she could go to. You can find maps in the library and become familiar with the roads and locations of the country," he instructed. This was the first time Renzo was talking to me without threatening to kill me; maybe it was because he had already pierced me and therefore did not have to worry about anything. But what would he be worrying about that he had the urge to mark me like that?

"Okay. But I am telling you, I am not good at maps, since there is a thing called Google Maps nowadays which people use when they want to look up the directions," I said. I was eager to get out of here and go back to my room so I could take a better look at my piercing. What was so special about it that it made Renzo so happy?

"I don't trust you with any sort of technology right now, sugarplum, so you would just have to do it the old fashioned way." He stood up.

"Are you going already?" At least he had a library. If I got tired of reading maps I could simply take out books to read.

"Yes, I am. I don't want to be late and this meeting is extremely important. I will be back in the evening and I expect you to have a location in mind about where Natasha might be," he stated, as he adjusted the collar of his shirt.

"And what if I don't have a location by then?" I queried, expecting him to threaten me once again.

"Then we will sit in the library and try to come up with one. Now I have to go." He leaned forward and cupped my cheek. "Be good, okay?"

The way he was looking at me had me feeling funny. What was wrong with my stomach, why did it feel like it was possessed by butterflies?

I swallowed hard before nodding, hoping he would be unaware of the unusual sensations taking place in my body as he gazed at me. Those green eyes felt as if they were searching my soul, but I did not know what for.

With a soft smile, Renzo caressed my cheek before letting go of my face and walking out of the dining hall, leaving me warm and confused in the dreadful place where people discussed how to kill others.

"C'è qualcosa di sbagliato in me," I said to myself while shaking my head. (There is something wrong with me)

Not wanting to sit in this terrifying dining hall, I quickly got up and all but ran out of the room. Renzo did tell me to go and look at the maps in the library but the stupid man forgot to tell me where the library was.

However, I did not want to go to library right now. No, I wanted to go to my room and take a closer look at my piercing. Once I had taken a good look at it only then I would go to the library and look at the stupid maps.

As soon as I reached my room, I slammed the door shut and locked it before unbuttoning my blouse while standing in front of the mirror. And when I got a good look at my piercing I couldn't help but gasp in horror.

The jewel was beautiful, it truly was. It sparkled as the sunlight hit it, but the shape of the jewel was what freaked me out. It was not a plain jewel but it was shaped in the letter R, and that could only mean one thing: Renzo.

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