Part 3

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Part 3




I stared at the handsome man standing before me with eyes wide, brows furrowed and jaw hanging open. Why in the world did he call me Natasha? Was he blind? Could he not see that I was Sadie and not Natasha?

"Excuse me?" That was all I could manage to say. I was too shell shocked to tell him what was really going on inside my mind.

The man looked annoyed as if he were talking to an irritating little girl. "Non ho tempo per I tuoi argomenti. Andiamo dentro." He grabbed my upper arm and begun leading me back to the house I worked so hard to escape from. What was wrong with him? Could he not see I was not Natasha? And what in God's green Earth did he want with Natasha? (I don't have time for your arguments. Let's go inside.)

Mustering up all my strength I ripped my arm out of his grasp. He glared at me, clearly angry but I couldn't care less. I didn't know who he thought he was but I was not going to let him drag me around against my will.

"Let me go! I am not Natasha!" I told him, ignoring the urge to bang my head against the wall. Wasn't it bad enough that my relationship with Natasha was flimsy at best that now people were starting to mistake me as her. Just because we had a few similar physical traits did not mean we were the same person.

The man rolled his green eyes. I would've poked his eyes out if they weren't so beautiful. "Right, and I am not human. Now come on, I don't have time for this. Your father left me in charge and I have better things to do then babysit a spoiled brat."

"With the way you're acting I can tell you're not human. And for the last time, I am not Natasha, nor do I have a father who would ask you to babysit me. Now please let me go because I do not wish to waste your time," I replied, feeling frustrated over this thick-headed man.

"Sono sfinito," he muttered before he placed two fingers between his teeth and whistled so loudly it hurt my ears. (I am so done)

"Ouch! What in the world?" This man was starting to irritate me and I did not like people who irritated me. If he refused to believe me then I would have to think of another way to get out of this strange place. God knows what my grandmother would be up to; I hoped she was all right.

The man did not bother to respond, instead five men all dressed in black shirts and pants jogged over to where I was standing with the handsome Devil. It was eerie how similar the five men looked, as if they were clones.

"Riportala nella sua stanza. E questa volta, assicurati che rimanga lì," he ordered the men who nodded before marching towards me. (Take her back to her room. And this time, make sure she stays there)

It took me a split second to make my decision. Before any of them could grab me, I slipped out from under their arms and made a mad dash towards where I thought the gates to the exit were. I knew I would not be able to outrun them but I could surely try. Those men were bulky which meant they would be slow on their feet, they had to be. And since I'd been dancing and running long distances since I was five years old, I could cover a considerable distance in a short amount of time.

I could hear footsteps stampeding behind me and I knew I did not have much time until the men were upon me. The idiotic man refused to listen to me; did he not know what Natasha really looked like? And what relation did he have with her that her father would leave him in charge of her?

As these thoughts plagued my mind I vaguely recalled Addison telling me how Natasha's family had connection with the Mafia. Could it be possible that I was in Mafia territory? A strange fear entered my heart as I imagined that Devil of a man in cahoots with the Mafia. If these men were responsible for the shooting, then I was an idiot for defying him and trying to run away.

Dreading The MafiaNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ