Part 12

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Part 12

Night fell quickly, or maybe it was due to the fact that I spent three hours sleeping so that I could steal the files when everybody else was asleep. Renzo would finally understand that I was worse than him when threatened, and he would pay for threatening me.

I looked out the window as I waited until I was sure that everybody in this godforsaken mansion was asleep. The moon glowed full and bright, as if guiding me in my mission. The stars twinkled left and right, making me wonder what they were so happy about. Looking at the winking stars made me envious of the freedom that nature got to enjoy. I wished to be a star which could shine and twinkle of its own free will. I hated the fact that I was locked up in this cruel place.

Tearing my eyes away from the beautiful face of nature, so as not to end up in tears, I forced myself to think about the Borronis and why did they have such a strong enmity with Renzo. Was it possible that they were more powerful than Renzo and that's why he wanted to wipe out the entire bloodline so that he was the king of the Mafia world. But no, this could not be the reason. Renzo was not afraid of anyone, rather he instilled fear in others. No, there had to be some other reason, but for the life of me I could not figure out what it was. Maybe the files could tell me something.

It was only when my instincts told me that all was clear did I dare to step out of my room. I was surprised when the door opened because I assumed Renzo locked me in. However, I was glad that he hadn't, which had me slipping out of my room and creeping down the corridor, making sure no one was awake. Were there cameras watching me right now? If so then why hadn't anyone come to take me back to my room?

Shaking off the eerie phantoms that threatened to jeopardize my mission, I continued forward, the silence screaming at me to turn around and go back to my room because if Renzo found me lurking the corridors at night he would be furious, and then I could kiss my bones good bye.

But I was stubborn and thanks to Renzo my decision had only solidified which meant that no matter what the outside world tried to tell me I paid it no heed and instead moved forward, the soft light from the moon my only guide. Maybe nature sympathized with me and that's why decided to aid me in my quest to find and destroy the one thing Renzo treasured.

How do you know Renzo treasures the files?

Okay, my subconscious had a point but all I had to work with right now were my own assumptions. Renzo and his friends refused to tell me anything, all they cared about was finding Natasha and ending the Borronis, so I had little choice but to rely upon myself.

While I walking I had the worst realization ever; I had no idea where Renzo's study was. All I knew was that his study was the most private room and he conducted all his business there. How was I going to steal the files when I didn't even know which room they were kept in? I was an idiot, plain and simple.

"I guess you should go back, Sadie," I said to myself, knowing there was no way I would be able to find a study, much less break into it and steal the damned files.

But I had come so far, I couldn't go back now. Okay, I admit I hadn't even reached the stairs as yet but I had been walking for quite some time now. No, I would not go back; I would find that study even it was the last thing I did before Renzo found me and killed me.

"No. I must not give up. It's just a room; how hard could it be to find one room?" It was all the motivation I needed. Grabbing my determination in a vice-like grip, I forced myself to walk, knowing that if I didn't give up then I would reach my destination.

First thing's first, I needed to guess the location of the study. Since it was Renzo's secret room, then it must be somewhere close to him or his bedroom. So where was Renzo's bedroom?

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