Part 10

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Part 10

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. When I saw Severon standing there, I couldn't help the smile forming on my lips. I was glad it wasn't Renzo who was here, I did not want him dislocating any of my other joints.

"Hello," I said, hating the fact that I was shackled to the ground. I really wanted to stand up and move around but I couldn't, and it was all thanks to that jerk who put me here.

Severon smiled at me, the gesture putting me at ease. Why did I get the feeling that Severon was one of the few people who did not despise me? And though I did not want that to affect me, it did.

"Renzo is a demon," Severon commented before stepping further in my cell. "Why is he doing this to you?"

"Because I refuse to beg him," I answered. Severon fished something out of his pocket and bent down until he was looking at my bound feet.

"You did the right thing, that asshole does not deserve it." I gasped when Severon placed the key in the keyhole of the cuff around my ankle. I never noticed the keyhole.

"What are you doing?" I almost did not want to know the answer to that, for the fear of having my hopes crushed.

"What does it look like I'm doing, I am freeing least for the time being," he stated before I heard the unmistakable sound of the lock detaching. I couldn't believe my eyes when Severon removed the cuff from my left ankle and proceeded to free my right.

"Won't Renzo kill you for doing this?" I questioned. Don't get me wrong, I was glad to be free and walk around but I did not want Renzo to be angry with his friend.

"No, he will not. He was the one who gave me the key to come and remove the shackles." The information took me by surprise. Renzo told him to free me? But why would he do that?

"Are you joking? Renzo told you to come and do this?" Maybe he was planning something extremely painful and he wanted me to enjoy before he did that.

"Yes, Sadie. Although I am suspicious of his motives as well but for now I'm glad he let you out. Come on, he is expecting you in his room," Severon said before walking out of the cell, clearly expecting me to follow him.

"What? Renzo is expecting me? So this is why he told you to let me out. I knew he wasn't nice!" I cried as I followed him out of the cell. Even though I hated that I had been set free only for me to go and see my captor, I was glad to be out of that tiny cell. "Why does he want to see me?"

Severon shrugged. "I don't know but it must be important, otherwise he wouldn't have told me to bring you to him."

Anxiety spiked in my core and I couldn't help my nails sinking into the skin of my wrist. I did not want to see Renzo again, he was a monster and I was not fond of monsters. My grandmother used to tell me stories about monsters in order to scare me into sleeping on time, so Renzo was clearly not my favorite person.

"You are his friend, you must know what is going on," I argued as we entered the elevator. What could Renzo possibly want to talk to me about? It couldn't be about Natasha, could it? But if it wasn't about Natasha what else could he want to discuss?

"Stop scratching your wrist, Sadie, you will hurt yourself more than you already have." Severon's clipped tone had my nails pausing their glide over my wrist. I didn't realize Severon noticed my wrist because he never said anything about it. "Just because I don't say anything that does not mean I don't notice it." Great, was he a mind reader now?

"I didn't know you noticed because none of you ever said anything about it," I responded, trying to stop my nails from running all over my damaged wrist.

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