Chapter 18

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Okay guys heres a new chapter! Im sorry it was taking so long. To be honest i didnt get to finish it the way i wanted to bc if i did it would probably be another week or so until i uploaded and we dont want that so i decided to just upload what i got. Its ok in my opinion i tried to add more humor to it. Anyways enjoy! :)


RECAP! (Just in case you didn’t catch this part in the last chapter because I accidently cut it off and then reposted it after a lot of you had read it so here it is!)

 “Good Night Draco,” Hermione replied just as softly as her eyes began to droop.

As night delved deeper into the hours and sleepless dreams consumed them, both fell asleep with smiles on their face. In the morning they would wake with each other in their arms and their hearts beating as one.


The moon was but a toenail in the sky and snow blanketed the ground. The night was freezing but two figures stood before a small warm fire as they each sipped a cup of tea in their hands.

“The time is soon when her powers shall awake at full force. She will be unstoppable...”

“What will happen?” A voice questioned worriedly.

“Destruction and…”



The night grew colder as the clouds grew thick and grey an ominous sign for the dreaded future yet to come.

Thursday December 17th (One more day until Winter Break)

Their eyes fluttered open at the same time, both blinking rapidly as their eyes adjusted to the green light streaming through the widows from the black lake. Hazel locked on liquid silver and both were speechless.

“Draco?” Hermione managed to ask, her voice a whisper.

“Hmm?” Draco questioned back finding he had no voice at the moment. His heart was beating erratically and it was still early in the morning. He found that his usually ice cold body was warm.

“Nothing,” She whispered and closed her eyes, enjoying the comfort and warmth and unusual peaceful feeling. She cuddled more into Draco’s side and buried her face into his toned chest.

Draco froze for a moment but then relaxed into her touch and stared at the ceiling of the four poster bed, enjoying the solace tranquility. He let out a breath he didn’t knew he held and absentmindedly allowed his right hand, which had encircled Hermione’s body, to rub her arm.

He closed his eyes forgetting who he was, forgetting who she was, and just living. A small smile escaped his lips. He liked the sound of that. Just…living. He deeply inhaled her cinnamon and vanilla scent, that he didn’t understand why she always smelt such a way, but enjoyed it nonetheless.

It was truly a Kodak moment, a scene from a cheesy muggle movie that made you want to barf yet hold your heart in awe at the same time. In that moment, all that existed was Hermione and Draco, plain and simple. There was no Malfoy, there was no Granger, there wasn’t even a Pureblood or a “Mudblood”; it was simply two people who were thrown into a situation that fate demanded. And for the time being they were too tired to fight it. Laissez faire, let do, allow to act. Ignore what the next few days or better yet next few hours would bring, forget everything and everyone. It was only them two.

Draco felt well rested, glad that no nightmares had disturbed him for once. He found it disturbing how he only slept peacefully when with Hermione. For now though he decided to push the thought away and stay in the shielded bubble both him and Hermione were in at the moment.

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