Chapter 1: Care & Protection

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It was midnight, and we were back home with Andy texting me. It escalated to a constant back and forth conversation. I felt Alana sneak up on me and peak for a while.
"I think he likes you," Alana sang, and I just squinted my eyes at her.
"I think you and AJ would be a great couple, but..." I said leaving it there, and now she squinted her eyes at me.
"Okay. You are totally good at comebacks," she spat sarcastically as she crossed her arms. 
"Not really," I shrugged, and I continued by looking at my phone.
"So yeah. I think Andy likes you," she said smiling, ignoring my reply. 
"I don't really think so. He has Bailey, so it's completely obvious that I don't have a chance," I say, and she gave me a look to doubt myself. She smirked as she rolled her eyes back. 
"You don't have to be single to like other people. Just because there is a goalie doesn't mean you can't score," she mentioned. I found that to be the most pathetic reason of cheating, and it really bothered me.
"I don't know. I don't feel pretty enough to be his crush,'' I shrugged and went back to Instagram.

Bailey is mad at me :(

What did you do now? :/

I keep texting you constantly ._.

Oh if then she doesn't like it. I think we should take a break ^-^

For how long? :o

Whenever she tells you to stop :]

Oh then ttyl <3

Bye ^u^

I went back on Instagram to see these hate comments on my pictures, so I just exited.
"Hey Amber!" Alana called with the tone of excitement.
"Yeah?" I asked.
"Guess what?" she shouted. She wasn't coming to my room, so I headed to her room.
"What?" I asked, not wanting to know. 
"Guess!" she demanded in a playful way. 
"Does it have to do with AJ?" I asked, and she nodded.
"It has something to do with you too," she mentioned, and became harder, most of the stuff tells me, never revolves around me.
"AJ did something for me with the guys?" I asked.
"You're so close!" she squealed.
"Does it have to do with his job?" I asked, and she nodded.
"You'll love it!" she confessed. I was thinking of this one, but I didn't think it was actually going to happened. I guess I'll give it a try.
"AJ got out of the merchandise crap, so they want me to be a merch girl?" I asked.
"You looked at my phone, you cheater!" she pouted and rolled her eyes. 
"I was right? I thought it was like 1 out of a hundred that he would do that. Now he wants to hang out with you!" I squealed, so we squealed together.
"Pack your bags because they're picking you up in half in hour!" she said pushing me into my room. I just started packing the summer clothes I had, and I packed all my things.

I heard the doorbell ring, and me and Alana squealed like fan girls again. I grabbed my bags and went downstairs. I saw all the guys here, and Andy was the one with the biggest smile out of them all. I went to hug him, and I saw Bailey getting a little jealous. I let go because of her unhappy stares that she gave me. AJ came in the door and hugged Alana so tight.

"We have to go now because we're going to be late for Vegas," Andy said helping me take my luggage. I I say my last goodbye's to Alana, and I help Andy out.
"Are you excited?" Dave asked with a nudge.
"Um, I just got offered a job as a merch girl from my favorite band. Do you think I'd be excited?" I asked with a cheerful tone, and he shrugged.
"She is, Dave, look at her smile," Brent said poking my cheek. I gave a cheeky smile with his finger against my cheek. We started laughing, and Bailey was cuddling with Andy. Andy didn't look like he was enjoying it, but he did it anyways.
"It's funny how everyone is just a loner but Andy has Bailey," I chuckled, and everyone just laughed a little.
"Yeah. Sometimes Bailey gets a little to far to rub it in other people's faces," Andy mumbled, making spiteful. 
"Andy, can we talk privately?" Bailey asked, almost wanting to punch, and Andy nodded taking a deep breath. They went to the bunks, and they stared talking.
"I have a feeling it's about me," I assumed, but Brent wrapped his arm around me.
"It's okay, kiddo. I bet it's nothing about you," he said patting my back.
"Are you sure?" I asked, and everyone was giving Brent a sarcastic look.
"Fine. Bailey gets a little jealous when a girl is on the bus. She gets a little paranoid , and she is over protective of Andy," Brent whispers, and he just gives me a reassuring smiles.
"Oh then okay," I said feeling a lot better. Andy comes in annoyed, and Bailey comes right in front of me.
"Do you like Andy?" she asked.
"I don't know. What way are you asking?" I asked back, feeling my heart race the closer she got, and she squinted her eyes at me, thinking the worst about me.
"You know what way I'm asking," she snapped. 
"You mean like a crush?" I asked, knowing I hit the target, and she face palmed.
"Are you fucking stupid? Yeah," she yelled at me, and I felt my confidence shrinking to the size of a molecule.
"Bailey," Andy called, but she just ignored him and got ready to attack me.
"No. I like someone else," I lied looking away, avoiding contact, but she got my face by force.
"Tell me that in the face," she demanded, and I felt like shitting my pants but didn't. I felt tears building up, and I felt like if I was suffocating.
"Bailey!" Andy shouted at her and pulled her aggressively away from me. Brent pulled me close to him as comfort, so I stuffed my face into his shirt, never wanting to let go.
"What?" she shouted back, almost throwing her hands at him. 
"Quit it!" Andy ordered, and she pouted on the chair. "Sorry about that. I have a feeling the guys explained everything when we were talking?"
"Yeah. It's okay. She just cares about you," I said forgiving too easily. I hate that about myself. I forgive to easy because I don't have a gut to say what a think. Everyone looked upset and annoyed from I guess what happened.
"I'll show you your bunk," Brandon said taking me away from Bailey, and he held me close with his arm. I brought my bag to where he was taking me, and Bailey kept staring me down. Brandon led me in and made sure that the curtain was closed.
"Are you okay about what happened?" Brandon asked softly, putting a hand on my cheek, and he pulled me close to let me hear him. I shook my head, but I suddenly felt safe with his touch. I felt like letting go a tear, but I didn't want to around him.  "If you don't want to happen again, just stay with the rest of the guys," Brandon whispered as he looked at my lips.
"Are you sure?" I asked.
"Of course, you're part of the family now," he said moving his hand on my shoulder. I smiled in excitement, and I sat in my bunk. We bumped our knuckles together, and he went back into the entrance. I felt my heart taking a deep breath as I feel his hand on my cheek and the moment.


I swear that I love Bailey. I just need a girl to be like that kind with Andy. I'm sorry I had to make her this way :(

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