Chapter 22: Something New Everyday

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We were on our way to the house, and it was dead silent in the car. You just heard the tires rolling on the road. The music played softly, but it wasn't as loud. I felt my phone vibrating, but I didn't even dare to look at the screen.

"Don't answer it," Brandon ordered bluntly, and I nodded.

"I wasn't planning on it anyway," I crossed my arms, and leaned against the car door. I can't tell if it was the silence making it awkward or the vibration on my phone.

"Why does Andy have to be like that?" Brandon asked.

"Like a dick?" I asked back, and he took a sharp turn.

"Yea, and suprisingly, Bailey finally stepped up to defend him," he commented, and I looked at him.

"Bailey hasn't been herself lately. She even told me she shouldn't have called you that day," I explained, and I sighed. "She wouldn't even bring it up anymore," I mumbled.

"Which day? That day," he asked. I nodded softly, and he shook his head with so much anger. "She shouldn't even be pregnant, yet she's picking on that day? Oh, by the way, I bought you a pregnancy test just incase I didn't pull out quick enough," he informed, and I looked at him.

"Aw, Brandon brought a pregnancy test just for me?" I asked sarcatically, and he gave me a playful glare. He rolled his eyes, and then he laid his eyes back on me.

"I just wanted to make sure it wasn't a mistake that I didn't use protection," he answered, and I laughed.

"Then I should become like Bailey. I start yelling at everybody, eating everybody's food, and still be excused because I'm pregnant," I joked, and we laughed a little.

"That's a good one," he complimented, and it went silent. We heard the sound of someone mumbling, and it sounded pretty loud. We looked around, and I saw my phone on the calling screen. I butt dialed Bailey. I put my phone up to my ear to hear Bailey crying. My jaw was dangling while I just heard her sob.

"Amber, what happened?" Brandon asked, and I looked at him with so much shock.

"I butt dialed Bailey," I answered, and he adapted my expression.

"Did she hear?" he asked, and I nodded stifly.

"She's crying," I whispered loudly, and he covered his mouth completely. I ended the phone call, and I covered my face with my hands. "I'm a horrible friend," I told myself.

"She's a horrible a friend too. She just can't say that she shouldn't have called me that day. You wouldn't say that to her, so she's worse than you," he reasoned, and I shook my head.

"But even if she's worse, that doesn't make me better," I explained, and he pulled one of my hands off my face. He interwined our fingers with gentleness. I felt comforted, but it didn't replace the feeling of harsh guilt I had. A vibrartion of another phone started buzzing against the seat, and I knew it wasn't mine. Brandon let go of my hand, and switched his hands on the stearing wheel. He pulled his phone off his back pocket, and he looked at the shining screen.

"Here comes trouble," he mumbled before he answered. He tapped on the speaker button after he introduced. "Hello?" he asked, and Andy's voice bursted out loudly.

"What did you say to Bailey?" he asked, angrily.

"Nothing," Brandon lied.

"Nothing?! You told her nothing, yet she's crying?!" Andy shouted, and I was feeling the awful uncomfortable stomach feeling.

"I accidently butt dialed her, and we were talking about the baby," I lied, and no harsh response came.

"What do you mean you were talking about the baby?" he asked with a lowered voice, compared to the shouting.

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