Chapter 11: Why?

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"Do you want to do anything today?" Bailey asked, and I shook my head. 

"Last night was very busy. I think we should start counting the merchandise," I said getting the clipboard.

"You're getting boring!" she whined, and I rolled my eyes.

"We have a big night tonight. We have to start way early," I explained, and she just flopped on the seat. 

"You have to start early because I'm not doing counting this shit early. When you want to have fun, call me," she said leaving the bus, and I sighed. I went to the back of the truck to make sure how much merchandise we might need for tonight since it's Hollywood. I just wrote down 4 boxes since last night we used 3.

"Amber, why are you up early?" Andy yawned, and I shook my head.

"I'm just worried about tonight. It's Hollywood, and I just assume it's going to be a busy night for me and Bailey," I explained, and he tilted his head.

"Don't be. Let me get ready, so we can go somewhere," he said taking back in the bus.

"So Andy had to talk it out of you, huh?" Bailey asked annoyed, and I shook my head.

"He, at least, said it nicely," I snapped. I prepared myself some coffee.

"So, you guys official, yet?" she teased, and I shook my head.

"He hasn't asked me if that's what you're asking," I answered, and she let out a sigh.

"He should. You guys had a connection of love like 4 months ago. You guys should be official now," she explained, and I rolled my eyes.

"Leave him. He's probably just nervous," I excused him.

"Yet, he loves, and cares, and treats you like his own," she explained.

"Bailey, leave him. He's just probably concentrating on the tour," I lied.

"So, he's been doing that for almost 3 months. He's had some breaks, Amber. I think you know what I'm trying to say," she assumed so softly. I just shook my head.

"Bailey. Stop," I demanded. 

"Well, you know what he did to me, and I don't want it to hurt you," she warned, and I denied it. 

"Well, you're doing it right now. You're feeding me with lies, and I know he wouldn't do that to me," I reminded, and she shook her head. 

"He once did it with Alana, yet you still wanted him back into your life. You risked your life for his attention," she explained. 

"My suicide attempt wasn't for his attention! I couldn't handle it anymore, and you're making me think I won't!" I shouted as I stormed out of the bus. 

"Amber!" she called, but I just ignored her. I walked into the streets walking alone to make this madness go away. If I hear my music, I'll just be reminded about everything. Bailey kept calling my name, but I just ignored her. I went inside a McDonald's, and I stayed there for as long as I felt alright. 


I was sitting there, watching the news on the TV they had. 

"Amber! We've been looking for you for hours!" I heard Hayden called, and I shook my head while looking away. 

"I didn't think you'd guys care for hours," I mumbled, and he sat next to me. 

"Wha-why are you saying that? You always know that we care. Is Amber still in there or is she hollowed out?" he asked poking my head, and a chuckle came out of my lips. 

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